So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays," the ORIGINAL wrestling-themed, YouTube video comedic co-commentary. Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.

Better at naming stuff than us.
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so your music video of Hacksaw Jim Duggan clips set to Hank Williams, Jr. ain't going to fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Adam's video to Matt - Tank Abbott displays his singing talent
Matt's response...
It's not often I give props to someone who posts something to YouTube. Occasionally, however, someone isn't so much concerned with putting themselves over by slapping their name all over the video, and would rather add to the piece with a bit of commentary of their own. You see, this is what we do, and I think more people should do what we do (but write your own stuff! I'm looking at you, other wrestling blogs.)
So chriscfgb (or is it crisiscfgb?! I can't tell!) decides that rather than promoting his YouTube page, where he's posted other copyrighted material, he'll just toss up a quick aside in the video description box, such as...
And nipples!
Perfect. Wonderful joke. It's a carry-over from the video's title, and it blatantly points out something we all noticed but didn't want to really acknowledge.
When you were in high school, did they ever have teacher talent shows? If they did, you know exactly where I'm going. If not, it was a good excuse to sit in the auditorium or gym for an hour instead of going to class, and you'd laugh occasionally. There was the obligatory rock band, and the "hot" teachers trying to reclaim some of their youth by dressing like cheerleaders and doing a skit.
And then you'd have the coaches, which would almost always dress in drag because, well, it's funny when fat guys dress like women.
This is also accompanied by some awful dance routine, which even though it looks as if it were choreographed by a four-year-old, they still can't do it right because they only practiced it once. That's how a feel about WCW: they're a high school teacher talent show.
Now I may sound like a bad sport, like I don't want to see any fun bits on wrestling, but that's not true. I'm a big fan of comedy in my wrestling shows, and I love the silly bits, when they're done well. What I don't want is someone going out there and half-assing it. If you're going to go out there to sing and dance, I won't hold it against you that you can't sing well, but at least get your routine together. Have a little pride in yourself.
I think this is my problem with wrestling in general right now. It feels so much like they're just going through the motions without really thinking about what they're doing. WWE bringing back Bret Hart...what was the point? It was a neat moment with he and Shawn in the ring, but what did they do beyond that? They just went through the motions: Bret is bitter, Vince is an a-hole, and scene. And on the same night, what did TNA do? Brought out the carcass of Hulk Hogan so he and his cronies can do the same old crap they did ten years ago, only now they all look about 25 years older. Everyone seems to be going out to the ring with a rough idea of what they want to do, and in the end they just fall into the usual routine.
Ugh, I hate getting serious about about those nipples?!
Matt's video to Adam- Raw After the Bell: Mickie James and Hacksaw Jim Duggan stopped by IRS
Adam's response...
First off, I feel the need to apologize to all our readers for the recent inactivity. Certain real world obligations have gotten in the way, all of which took precedence of dick jokes. We'll try to be better. To make it up to you kiddos, we're doing our first ever interactive live blog. It'll be this Sunday for the Royal Rumble. Also, Ray over at Wrestlegasm baked us cookies, so she'll be there too!
Anyway, for the second week in a row, the star of my video is an unlikely source. Yes, IRS steals the show again. And it's for the most understated of all reasons. Namely, why was he even there in the first place?
I know the real world reason. Mike Rotunda (and looking at him, he's rather aptly named, lulz) is an agent for WWE. Why not have him throw on a tie and suspenders and do a little cameo for a video segment that no one will ever see? It's a fun Easter egg. But story wise, why is he there? Granted, I have no seen the preceding, nor proceeding chapters of this serial, but shouldn't every chapter make sense on their own?
I guess I just love the idea of the old characters just hanging out backstage. It's weird. Characters like Duke "The Dumpster" Drose or the Repoman are dumb. Who would ever believe that a garbage man in his spare time wrestles? Yet, it makes me happy thinking that Duke was just the in-house garbage man who got some ringtime whenever. He's still there emptying the trash.

Still, what is IRS doing here? As a government worker he would not be employed by WWE. Also, he clearly would not be doing any tax work for the government on WWE, because it's a conflict of interests; he was a tag champ for a period of time. Maybe he retired from government work and is now a private accountant/financial consultant for WWE? There are so many unanswered questions.
Which I suppose is what makes a great serial. Why were Mickie James and Hacksaw Duggan stealing tee-shirts? Couldn't they just get some from the corporate office? They do know that Earl Hebner was fired for the same thing, right? And he wasn't even videotaped! And why would IRS be mad at them for stealing? He's not a lawman. It's possible he has strong ethics, but a lifetime of heel deeds would lead me to believe otherwise.
Also, I should note that in the vein of all great femme fatales, Mickie used a subtle hint of her sexuality to achieve her goals. Very noir.

Oh well, I better come back to the nickelodeon next week and find out what adventures await our heroes!
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