So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays," the ORIGINAL wrestling-themed, YouTube video comedic co-commentary. Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.

The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so your Scott Hall impression isn't going to fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Adam's video to Matt - Vader attacks Gorilla Monsoon
Matt response...
I usually like to find a quote in these videos that stands out from the rest - something that either sums up the video perfectly or just one of those non-sequiters that can pop up later in conversation.
This is one of my favorites, not so much because of it's content, but rather the delivery, which is one of complete disbelief and outrage from announcer Vince McMahon.
"God, it's Gorilla Monsoon!"
That pretty much says all that needs to be said about this video. Vader may be a big guy (which I'm not questioning at all), and he may be pretty tough, but there are two people in life that you just shouldn't physically assault: the president of your company, and a man with the words "gorilla" and "monsoon" in his name. When those two people are actually the same person and you still attack them, I think you've made a poor choice.
It's somewhat disappointing that Gorilla goes down like a ton of bricks in this one. The only offense he mounts are some weak-ass chops (note: this is, in no way, an invitation to get chopped across the chest, because I'm certain I would go into cardiac arrest.) A big, nasty dude, Gorilla Monsoon immediately falls to the mat after a little splash into the turnbuckle (again, please don't do this to me.)
Despite this being the first time a superstar attacked a WWE president, Monsoon is not who I want to talk about here. The hero of this video, the real hero, is this man:
This is the second ref that ran in after the first one was injured and thrown from the ring. You might say he was stupid, after seeing his colleague manhandled by Vader, but I say that's just the kind of courage that's found in the best among us. Facing nearly inevitable head-butting and slamming, this ref throws caution to the wind and steps into the ring to do his job.
Of course, things don't really go the way they teach you in wrestling official school...
Worker's comp?
He couldn't have expected any less, though. But that overwhelming drive to restore order to the WWE universe took over.Apparently this even has really polarized wrestling fans, and one went so far as to create a "musical tribute." I put that in quotes because all this guy did was take the same YouTube video (complete with factoid pop-up) and substitute the audio for Ozzy Osbourne's "Hellraiser." A tribute indeed...
Even though there's only nine comments on this particular video, they're quite impassioned, since in his description, the poster referred to Gorilla Monsoon as "that dirty old bitch Monsoon." Here's what the forces of goodness have to say:
this should be taken off youtube! - LifeSoulAz
That one is offending alot of people. Im know kiss ass or babyface lover myself, but Monsoon is someone that almost all true 80/90's era wrestling fans have nothing but respect for. Monsoon is no dirty old bitch. show some respect. - 1978mackdaddy
I don't mean to offend anyone, and perhaps I'm taking this to seriously, I like Vader, but nobody calls Gorilla Monsoon a dirty bitch. - prhowe
old dirty bitch? fuck you - heyhoergeefmijispils
Gone but not forgotten...Gorilla Monsoon, 1937-1999.
Matt's video to Adam- CM Punk heel turn speech- ROH
Adam's response...
Often times people ask how they can get a hold of us Laugh Twins. I'm a little more accessible, but Matt is a hard egg to crack. Well consider that omelet made, because Matt's Internet identity has been found.

Yes, Matt is actually Youtube poster rafitos28160. How else would he have found this obscure video that was posted yesterday? Also take note that behind all his Wrestlemania, "I hate TNA" gusto, Matt is secretly an indy mark. An indy mark who uploads ROH videos.

As for this video, it's pretty much everything bad about the indy product; muffled, long winded, and self-important. I'm all for there being an alternative view on wrestling. Trust me, we need less Hornswaggle segments (unless we get like, 5 midgets to fight the Big Show in what I like to call a "Gulliver's Travels" match) and more segments of people taking the product seriously. No, the problem lies in the fans.
We've spoken about fans before. They are, for the most part, just marks trying to get themselves over. And stop being "smart." Sure, Phil Brooks may not actually hate you. He may not be that obnoxious about his lifestyle behind the curtain, but CM Punk sure as hell is. So when he's cutting a heel promo (which was delivered great but made no sense, much like Warrior promos), don't cheer him. If you really want to be "smart" don't acknowledge what the performer is doing; acknowledge the performance.
It's a little sad that the most heat he got was when he parroted John Cena. Oh no, what a terrible thing to do to the ROH fans! Acknowledge something that's popular!
Does anyone have that friend who's into bands that don't even exist yet? The kind of guy that listens to inaudible Beatles bootlegs and wind chimes? And gets mad at pop music? What a dick, right? That's ROH fans for wrestling. It's great that you love wrestling so much that you will financially support the little guy. It's great that you found a product that you love. Seriously. But that doesn't mean the big guys are somehow evil. They have a wider audience, so they in turn may be a little blander to the hardcore. That doesn't give you an excuse though to show off how smart you are by ruining a heel turn. No one cares that you're inside to the business. If you're at an ROH show that's assumed.
I still don't get what the snake parable had to do with the devil though.
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