How excited are you? Seriously. This is a fantastic day! After months of waiting, the benevolent programmers at Viacom and Country Music Television bless us with Hulk Hogan Celebrity Championship Wrestling! Words cannot describe how amazing this is. Only simple mathematics can:
Glamor of Celebrity Fit Club + Drama of WWF Tough Enough + Star Power of Hogan Knows Best=
The drill of this is pretty standard. A bunch of has beens and never wasses compete in various self esteem destroyers so that we, the common people, can feel better about being fat and stupid. These "celebrities" will be competing for the honor or.... well for the prize of..... for the thrill of compe.....RATINGS GOLD
Ok, seriously. This is going to suck. Hard.
Ok. We have no idea what they're competing for. From the official CMT show description:
Anyway, since we here at LOL, Wresslin' find this to be pretty much the entire reason we exist, we will be extensively covering this series as it airs. Consider this the LOL, Wresslin' Manifesto. This is step one to getting our book deal (we're going to sell out faster than Garfield Minus Garfield and Stuff White People Like!). So, because we love you, here are the official rankings of who think will win, from last to first.
Ten brave celebrities come together to learn, train and compete in competitive wrestling while being eliminated one by one each week based on judges' selections and head-to-head matches with one another. World champion wrestler Hulk Hogan, former president of World Championship Wrestling Eric Bischoff and professional wrestling manager Jimmy Hart judge the celebrities on their performances throughout various challenges which include mastering complex wrestling moves, trash talk to intimidate the opponent and working a live audience. On the road to transforming them into wrestlers, the cast will be coached by former professional wrestlers Brutus "the Barber" Beefcake and Brian Knobbs.
The celebrities will be faced with exhausting challenges and elimination matches that will lead up to the heart-pounding finale that will determine the winner. The contestants will be divided into two teams, then taught the same set of moves to create the most exciting wrestling match against one another in an attempt to win over the judges and a live audience. Hogan, 12-time world champion, will be just as tough on the cast as he was on his challengers in a match, and each week the celebrity who doesn't bring their A-game will be thrown out of the ring. Ultimately only one will become the celebrity all-star wrestling champion.

10) Erin Murphy- She was Tabitha on Bewitched and has hosted various infomercials. She also contests on a bunch of third tier game shows. Yes, we had the same thought when we read her name: "Who?"

Awesome Photoshop skills!

nW0 4 life!

Tune into CMT (where?) at 8/7 c to share in the pain. We'll be back with recaps and insight as soon as we regain control of our faculties.
1 comment:
Awesome post, love the predictions I was laughing through the whole thing
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