Tuesday, September 22, 2009


American royalty, the Hogans are at it again! Yes, the classiest family that ever existed is back in the news as family patriarch Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bollea decided to stick up for his girlfriend daughter we don't give a shit.

Seriously, we don't know who she is, but we know Hogan rubs oil in her butt.

WWTDD (not the most work safe site in existence) has gotten their hands on a voicemail Hulk Hogan allegedly left for some dude named Chase who sings for some band we're sure is terrible. Still, these 17 seconds give us a pretty clear window of Hulk's life.

1) Association with the Hell's Angels

We're pretty sure that Hogan's time wrestling at all those WCW Road Wild's made him a veritble Hunter S. Thompson. And you know (tm) what the Hell's Angels LOVE? LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE? Being name dropped! It's totally why anyone gets into gangs and orginzied crime! To be noticed and name dropped!

2) People with handicaps sre inferior

Hogan makes a point to threaten Chase with the prospect of "playing in the band from a wheelchair, brother." As if that could ever stop the power of rock?!

What we really love about this is how Hogan cut a legit promo on this guy. In the real world. He just said "mania" this and "brother" that. It's no different then if the Heenan Family were on the other end of the line. Seriously. He actually thinks like that. It's amazing. God, wrestling is the best.

1 comment:

Tom in the Philippines said...

he also said Hey Yo ... like scott "razor ramon" hall!

Hey yo, chico, watcha gonna do mang when da largest arms in da world, carve you up broda mang

Word Verification: Autsti
Definition: gay euphemism for for testicles pronounced "Oh Testy"! Like "ohh chavo".