One more Smackdown before The
Anyway, as you've been reading the last few weeks, Smackdown has been dominated by a few, amazing feuds; CM Punk/Jeff Hardy/Edge, Chris Jericho/Rey Mysterio, and...Dolph Ziggler/The Great Khali??? Yes, the Big Zig has decided to make his mark on Smackdown by taking on the biggest, dumbest former World Champion this side of The Big Show.

The Great Khali is very large and Dolph Ziggler is an incompetent buffoon. This should be a cake walk. But is he really so incompetent? When Khali's interpreter distracted the ref for some reason, Ziggler found that to be an opportune moment. He got the deadliest weapon of all, the steel chair!
But rather then use it he just threw it at Khali and fell down! What a maroon!
And the referee disqualified The Great Khali? Even though he didn't hear the chair hit anything, see a dent in the chair? Or did he forget that Dolph Ziggler is an arrogant twerp who would not be above winning like this?
They'll bash again at a beach or something...
Here's a photo of Melina.
Now for the other feuds. Remember a few weeks back when Chris Jericho pretended to be a Rey Mysterio fan and got the drop on that hot tamale? Well two can play that game, as Rey Mysterio pretended to be a

Now notice, how the referee is watching Jeff Hardy's latest "episode." He didn't see this Mexican cross the border between fan and wrestler! Thus, a noticeably upset Jericho got counted out a.k.a. THE CHEAPEST WIN EVER!!! Well, Jeff Hardy couldn't have that.

Of course, Rey wasn't done tonight (last week!). He had a match with the World Champion, CM Punk! And Chris Jericho was guest commentator! Because that's not suspicious in the least!
Anyway, I have a soft spot in my heart for the interns over at They come up with the most ridiculousness/awesome captions for their photos. But this one right here...well.
What does that even mean? How does a "true luchador" fight anguish?
Still, they thankfully redeemed themselves with this next beauty.
Then, after some predictable Jericho interference Mysterio went to sleep.
And then for some reason, Jeff Hardy wanted to protest the match result due to the interference. Listen, your majesty, I know you were screwed out of your two title reigns. And I know your all tired and don't think things are fair. But quit being a bitch. Seriously. Quit being a bitch. It's not like you won your match clean.
Last Smackdown before ANOTHER PPV. Better watch it tonight (or tomorrow, or whenever on hulu) at 8/7c (or after the Yankee game, if you live in NY) on MyNetwork TV (or hulu)!
You made me picture John Madden in briefs. For the hearburn and indigestion that caused you owe me some form of compensation. I'm willing to settle out of court for the right offer.
It seems like there's a faster way for Melina to enter the ring. Doing the splits and then slowly crawling under the bottom rope just doesn't seem a very efficient use of time.
@ Ray:
We meant to say John Kruk. Our mistake.
What the hell do you limeys know about football anyway?
@ Chase:
You must be some kind of gay to ask that question.
You're on the right blog then!
I know enough to know that Brett Favre should quit while he's ahead, that Bill Parcells should see an OBGYN about his extreme PMS moodiness, and that John Madden should always wear clothes.
Mistake or not, I still would have claimed compensation. Just a lesser figure for Kruk.
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