So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays." Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so the million "Ric Flair, leave the memories alone!" music videos a'int gonna fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Matt's Video to Adam- Roddy Piper Tells a Really FUNNY Story!
Adam's response...
We may have said it before, but Matt and I met while we were members of our college radio station. There were very few wrestling fans at our college, since we attended a liberal arts institution. That's probably why we became friends. We could talk about Ric Flair with each other. I eventually came to my senses and left the radio station. Matt didn't and still works in radio today. Regardless, I'm going to throw out a little radio terminology for you folks; "Hole." The Hole is a vapid, annoying female co host who is on a radio show with a predominantly male listenership. She is meant to tame those boys down and bring a little sensitivity. The thought process is "if one female condones all this crass behavior, shouldn't all women?" Of course, she mostly just goes " guys!" and fake laughs all over any segment. You'll see (hear).
For what we have here is Rowdy Roddy Piper being a guest on Fishkill NY's flagship station for classic rock, WBPM 92.9! He's guesting on their morning show, The Electric Morning Show, where it is advertised that "Your mornings will NEVER be the same."
I'll take their word on it.
Anyway, this video does not lie. Roddy Piper does tell a funny story. But damned if you can hear it that well, because the Hole just yucks it up over every single word Hot Rod says.

Don't believe me? Read the comments. Everyone posts on how awful the Hole is. I'm not even going to bother retyping them because they are so crass. But what do you expect from SHOCK JOCKS.

Still, I'm a professional. Let me see if I can decipher her mating call and actually get into this laugh fest. Supposedly what's so funny is a bear trainer giving Roddy some important safety tips.
Then he tells another story about wrestler's being great ribbers. An old friend of his decides discreetly place some honey on Roddy's tights.
What a hilarious prank! He endangered his friend Roddy's life! You know (tm), the more and more I hear about what great kidders the wrestler's are, the more and more I think they're just assholes. Watch Owen Hart tribute testimonials on Youtube. All the wrestlers have a story of some awful prank Owen committed on them. Every single one has a unique story. And they all say something akin to "I was pretty mad at the time...but I guess now it's kinda funny." Why? Because the man died? Maybe, he's an asshole, ever think of that? Stealing towels from the locker room so Droz has to walk out the shower naked is a lot different then someone putting BEAR FOOD on a man's ass when he wrestles a BEAR.
God that Hole is annoying.
Adam's video to Matt - TNA Webography: Black Machismo
Matt's response...
Jay Lethal. Probably the best thing about TNA. For me, at least. He'd be the only reason I tune in to watch, and since I don't, I guess he's not that big of a reason. Still, I can totally appreciate what he's doing here. The man has a talent - a nearly dead-on impersonation of Macho Man Randy Savage - and he plays that up to the fullest.
I can tell you right now that I would get Black Machismo's rap album as well. He may not have collaborated with the Raskills, but I think I might put a little more faith behind his rapping skills. I can't quite put my finger on why, but I just would...
And the man also knows what priorities are, correctly positioning "a good set of glasses" at the top of that list. Seriously, what in your life isn't made better by a good set of shades? Nothing, that's what.

I'm not quite sure I understand the superpower question. Is he being asked what superpower he wants? Or which one he already possesses? Because clearly he's able to control his rage already. I mean, he comes close, of course, but he still keeps that wild animal tucked away, unlike some other wrestlers we know.
I think, though, that for everything that's great about Black Machismo, he only underscores what's terrible about TNA. It seems more and more obvious that the company, if not built on actual has-beens, is built on the memory of has-beens. TNA Wrestling is sort of like a greatest hits album, only one where the band gets back to record the songs again after thirty years, or maybe other bands cover the tunes. So you're not really getting the greatest hits, you're getting approximations of the greatest hits.
That's TNA wrestling to me. A brand that doesn't seem to mind reminding everyone that there's another wrestling brand out there, and try as hard as they might not to be, they're still better than TNA. A brand that says if they can't get the beat-up old timer themselves, they'll just get a younger, more talented guy to do an impression of them. No, Jay Lethal isn't the only one.
And clearly the fans don't get it either. A good portion of them are appreciative, but of course there are the ones that "know what they're talking about" and claim that he's just a wanna-be. And the ones that need to inform us that Jay Lethal borrows from Macho Man Randy Savage, in case we didn't know. Or there's bigbradford69, a 40-year-old dude from South Georgia, who chimes in with this gem from a week ago: "LYNCH N---ERS."
Congratulations, YouTubers, you've only given that one a -5 rating. That's less than the guy who said "FIRST VIEW AND COMMENT, O YEA."
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