- Playable TNA Knockouts

- Create your own move
The game allows us to build our wrestler's in-ring repertoire by unlocking different moves as we progress through our career. But isn't there some great move you've been dreaming up in your head, just waiting to be unleashed on your mobile device? Of course there is! We'd love to be able to add our own style to our wrestler. We did create them after all, and speaking of which...
- Import our Create-a-Wrestlers from the WWE Smackdown vs. Raw console games
We're not just mobile gamers; we spend a lot of time in front of the television as well. That being the case, we've already expended a load of creativity on previous CAWs, and it would be a shame to see all that go to waste. Why not embrace the fun of a superstar turning his back on the WWE and jumping ship to TNA? All the attributes are already there! This is an easy one, fellas!
- Full voice acting
If there's one thing that adds credibility to your game, it's a solid cast of voice actors. And when your characters are based on real people, it's even better to have them do the voice work themselves! They've got plenty of time on their hands. Get some of those guys in to record a few thousand lines of dialogue. While you're at it, add in commentary by Mike Tenay and Don West too. But it needs to be context sensitive - not just some canned "That was incredible!" nonsense, and make them able to pronounce our CAWs name.
- Updated storylines and custom internet
We should have at least weekly updates including all the new storylines being developed in TNA. Also, a fully functioning in-game internet, which allows us to read what all the mark sites are saying about our wrestler.
- Hot photos of Dixie Carter as a bonus for beating the game.
C'mon, we all know she's top-to-bottom sexy, and she's quite the charmer. Who are you really marketing this game to?
Ok, there's a just a few, but those are simple fixes. Quite frankly, if they're not put into the game, we'd have to question the your dedication to the fans. Naturally, we have several more ideas ready to be implemented. However, to get those, you're going to have to warm up your check-writing hand.
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