Chris Jericho vs "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, "Super Fly" Jimmy Snuka, and Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat with Ric Flair in their corner in an elimination handicap match.
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You know who didn't like The Wrestler? Certainly not us. We loved it! Chris Jericho didn't like it. He thought it was paying homage to old broken down horses when all the emphasis should be on him, Chris Jericho! Ooo..what a young punk! Anyway, the very recent world heavyweight champion took on these three specimens.
And it doesn't get much better then that. Look at this elevation:
Or what about this Superfly tamer old Lionheart locked in:
And although in fantastic shape for an old-ass man (hell, even a young-ass man), even The Dragon's boat ran out of steam.

So you probably think that's it. Jericho proved his point and beat up a few octogenarians. Well, YOU'D BE WRONG! Ric Flair brought in his secret weapon, star of The Wrestler Randy "The Ram" Robinson!
Err... we meant Mickey Rourke. Still, he used to be a professional boxer, so don't count him ou-
Take that, you Canadian jackass! Come on Ric, let's go ahead and dance the night away!
Next up: Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
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