So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays." Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so your video blog reviewing Wrestlemania 25 ain't going to fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Adam's video to Matt - Rob Van Dam gets pulled over
Matt's response...
Ah yes, life on the road, eh Sabu? Just a couple of normal guys, zipping down the road after a hard night of wrestling. How fast is it here, by the way?
55? Look, kid, you still have a lot to learn about America. I don't know how they do things over in Saudi SQUAREabia, but here in the U.S. of A, nobody drives 55. Hell, they even wrote a song about it!
What do you mean you're from Michigan? Maybe now, sure, but that ain't where you're from, Sabu.
Aww crap, cops. Policia, man. Policia. Here quick, let's burn these real fast. They can't say we have pot if we smoke it all, right?
Uh...hey officer, just a couple of normal guys cruising down the road, totally keeping it together.

Oh, I thought it was 65 here. I was just telling my friend that maybe I should slow down, but he said it was 65. And don't worry - he's not a terrorist. By the way, did I say we were normal guys, because we're definitely not. No, we just got through wrestling. On TV. We're going to Columbus, where we'll do some more wrestling. For the WWE. You heard of it?
Oh, you don't keep up, huh? Ok, well yeah I'm on TV. WORLD CHAMPION. That ring a bell? I got the title right here. See? It spins. I'm RVD, Rob Van Dam.
Yeah, well of course you've heard of me. Glad we've got that figured out.
Him? Tell him your name.
Oh, ok. We'll wait right here for you officer. Certainly wouldn't think of speeding away! .... What the hell is wrong with you? "Sahbooo." Damn dude, could you have tried to sound any more high? I'm doing all the talking from now on. I got this thing down. Ok, he's coming back...
Uh, yeah I know it's 55. I thought it was 65. I must have blazed more than I thought because I could have sworn we've done this before.
Yeah man, I always drive with my shirt off. I mean, look at me. I'm the whole "Dam" show. Get it? It's a play on my name. It's cool if you don't. Whatever. Besides it was hot, what with all the lit joints in here.
Well, yeah, I think just explained why my car smells like dope. Who's the detective around here?
Matt's video to Adam- Rob Van Dam talks about Michael Phelps's pot use on Gerlado at Large
Adam's response...
First off, this is what a couple of dorks Matt and I are. We both sent each other RVD/pot related videos, because it's vaguely close to 4/20. But neither of us get high. Ever. This is not some BS covering our asses kind of thing. We're serious. We never smoke weed. So why did we both think that this would be the theme of the week? Why couldn't we have just sent in some insane Warrior promo or something?
Regardless, there isn't much to this. RVD is brought on because...well..umm...I really don't know why. I guess he's outspoken about getting high and is an athletic dude, so why not have him discuss the Michael Phelps brouhaha from a few months back?
What is fairly surprising is the amount of respect Mr. Van Dam is given by our host, Geraldo Rivera. Sure there are a few (lame) jokes ["Let he who has not smoked cast the first stoned as it were"(ugg, I get what you're going for, but that joke really doesn't make sense)], but on the overall RVD does provide some insight on the costs of being an athlete caught with drugs.
And by that I mean, he spouts out the same stats every pro-weed advocate does and complains about their criminal status.
There are a few factually inconsistencies though. For starters, Geraldo says that RVD was stripped of his titles due to the pot arrest when it's common knowledge he lost the WWE title to Edge on Raw and lost the ECW title the next night to the Big Show. Fair and square (ok, Paul Heyman screwed Rob in that ECW match), mind you. Also, Rob totally said weed was "good for you." Geraldo was so listening.
Anyway, then some idiots yell at each other for a few minutes, Geraldo kicks it back to Rob, "hop(ing) that (he) makes it back to championship status" and ends the segment. All and all, Rob got more time then John Cena did on Fox News, but he didn't really come off all that great. Of course, RVD himself posted this video, so I guess he's fine it it.
Still, nothing changes the fact that Michael Phelps is a giant douche.
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