WWE sent out a survey to help determine what this DVD collection would cover. Now, we have a few ideas of our own ("Best of Blondes" anyone?), but let's take a look at what we might encounted in the "Special Interests" section of the local Best Buy pretty soon:
Best of the Elimination Chamber - Apparently there have been nine of these things, so we guess it seems slightly reasonable to have a "best of" already. But just throw all the matches on a DVD and call it day, how about?
Chris Jericho - Oh yes, now this looks good. Jericho certainly deserves one, seeing as how WWE has never released an official Lionheart DVD. Just in case this survey doesn't turn out the way we want, an online petition has been started to make sure that WWE does what we want. There were 112 signatures when we checked; you can add another to that total, Jericholics. And we totally agree, Brittani (call us?)
113. | Adam and Matt, The LOL, Wresslin' Laugh Twins | save_us.222 already! | ||
112. | Brittani | He is one of the best preformers in the company. He puts on some of the greatest matches. If they can out with a dvd I would absolutly watch it. | ||
111. | William Thompson | Y2J!!!!! |
Craziest Moments in WWE History - We're not sure how this would differ from "WWE's Funniest Moments," but surely something crazy has happened since 2001 to add to that collection.
Ricky Steamboat - This should be on that "craziest moments" DVD, because it's insanity that Steamboat doesn't have his own compilation out yet. Sure, all the WWE fans forgot he existed until Wrestlemania 25, but that shouldn't stop them from honoring the man.
Sting - And another one that needs some love. Despite that the man works for TNA (that's right Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett - it's called work), Sting has had nothing short of a legendary career. We guess you could wait until he gets tired of embarrassing himself.
Raw: Season 1 - What a cool trip down memory lane that would be. Don't forget to blur out those "WWF" logos!
John Morrison - Wait, what?
That's right, they're considering making a John Morrison DVD. Before you throw your hands up and think that WWE is off their rockers, let's think about this for a minute.
He's a Tough Enough winner, and we all know how much of an impact they have made on the WWE...

At least he's still employed, so that's an accomplishment.
He has a wide-ranging personality and can fit into a number of on-screen characters. Heck, in his first month on WWE television, he had three different names!
He was also a member of the tag team MNM, which gave us this:

He then went to ECW, and finally became the John Morrison we know today, and after winning their championship, decided to take on another partner, which led to this:

Ummm, you know (tm), on second thought WWE, maybe you should just forget that guy.
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