Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wresslin' Round-up

Things get pretty cluttered from time to time here in the LOL, Wresslin' cave; so much so that we're left scratching our heads about what to talk about and what to save until later. So today, we're doing a little spring cleaning, made all the more special because it's not even spring yet! Not only are we the finest wrestling comedy internet writers on Blogspot, we're also forward thinkers.

Included here in a quick rundown of news are items that, while they certainly could have garnered their own post, aren't going to get one. They can enjoy the company of other stories that we don't feel worthy of our considerable talents.

Linda McMahon will sit on the Connecticut Board of Education- After a lengthy battle with state lawmakers, WWE CEO Linda McMahon was finally approved to sit on the board of education. Those opposing said that as the CEO of WWE, Mrs. McMahon promoted violence to children. Come on people! The WWE is most the kid-friendly entertainment out there. Plus, they are commited to education! They had a teacher character, for goodness sakes!

Above: future Connecticut classroom.

Jericho intentionally mean to Rourke during Larry King interview- Not long ago there were rumors that Mickey Rourke, star of The Wrestler, was going to be at Wrestlemania 25 to fight Chris Jericho. This all started when Rourke called out Lionheart during a red carpet interview at the SAG awards. Not long after, the duo appeared on Larry King Live together, and Jericho pretty much was a total ass to Mickey during the entire segment. To the surprise of no one, Jericho said in a later interview that he was playing up the fight and portraying a character. Is there nothing we can believe in anymore?!

Ric Flair cries in another interview- CBS recently did a feature on our favorite stylin' and profilin' son-of-a-gun, Ric Flair. In it, he was asked if it was hard to leave the wrestling business behind. In true Flair fashion, he starts to cry. Watch the interview below.

Leave the memories alone...don't change a thing.

Jerry Lawler prefers working with Michael Cole- Lawler was recently asked which broadcasting partner he prefers to work with, and he chose current Raw announcer Michael Cole over his former long-time collegue Jim Ross. He explained that Cole didn't want to spend as much time in meetings as JR did. And here we thought Jerry Lawler always kept his nose to the grindstone.

Unless "grindstone" is some clever euphemism.

Upcoming Macho Man DVD to feature superstar commentary- Adding their voices and insight to a new Macho Man career retrospective, due in June, will be WWE stars Maria and, making his second appearance in this update, Matt Striker. Maria seems obvious, simply because she's a hot chick. But Matt Striker? Well, JR explains on his blog that Mr. Striker is not only a talented wrestler and announcer, but he also knows a thing or two about Randy Savage. In fact, he appears to be the preeminent Macho Man historian on the WWE payroll.

Welcome to Feeling the Madness 101!

Finally, Macho Man has a plan for the economy- Ok, not the real Randy Savage, but rather a Savage impersonator, and he has a plan to fix the economy he says is better than Barack Obama's. Seriously. J.R. Moore's plan is for every resident of St. Louis, Missouri to play the state's Pick 4 lottery game, using their home addresses. According to his statistical research, every resident stands a 1 in 10,000 chance of winning. If a few people won a week, that would be several thousand extra dollars in the local economy, which would stimulate things just fine. Not to mention a little over a quater of the revenue from lottery tickets goes to fund Missouri schools, which solves another problem!

"I've also got this Nigerian relative looking to unload a few million..."

There you have it! Wasn't that fun? And much better than any other news you'll hear all day, because it's wrestling related! Consider your life enhanced.

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