So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays." Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.

Better at naming stuff then us
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so your roundtable of "Greatest Jobbers of the 1973" ain't gonna fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Matt's video to Adam- Booker T Goldust At the Movies
Adam's response...
Did you know that movie star Dwayne Johnson was once a professional wrestler in the WWE? It's true! Before landing roles in blockbuster films Doom, The Rundown, and fourteen time Oscar winner The Gameplan, Johnson had a small run as The Rock. He won a few titles, but really never had a connection with the audience and segued into film. Still, he landed his first lead role while still working in the WWE, so well known WWE film buff Goldust and rival to the Rock, Booker T, took it upon themselves to review his film, The Scorpion King.
We are live (to tape) for the premier (and only) edition of Goldust and Booker T At the Movies! Goldust, being the film buff welcomes us with a grand introduction and Booker T, being black, welcomes us with a "What up, dog?" Goldust then sets up the film, asking us to "note the Fellinesq way in which our protagonist must engage in his goal, in his quest for salvation."

I happen to know a thing or two about film, so I'm just going to say it; Goldust, that's bullshit. You clearly don't know what you're talking about and just want to throw the wool over the common fan's eyes. Frederico Fellini was, if anything, a non-conventional filmmaker. His films involved his protagonists making choices that frequently would deny any hopes of salvation and not even having a goal in mind at the start, just reacting to things that happen. He is a primary influence of filmmakers like Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch, visionary directors who's work could be characterized as "weird" by the masses. So it is highly doubtful, especially after viewing the clip, that anything in The Scorpion King would be Fellinesq.
I don't entirely trust these two are film critics. Both have beef with the Rock, so any review will have a natural bias to it. And then, they run alternate takes, staring themselves! How can there credentials be taken seriously? I tune into WWE Monday Night Raw for hard hits and even harder hitting film analysis. And all I get is these two spouting off catch phrases and gay jokes! Does it sound delicious? You damn right it sound delicious! But it does not excuse their terrible film reviews. Due to factual inaccuracies, clear bias, and clip manipulation, I must form a protest that Goldust and Booker T At the Movies be stripped of their credentails in the National Team of Movie and Film Reviews and Critics Assocation of the Universe, Forever!
Adam's video to Matt - Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka Dances to Rap
Matt's response...
****This video has been removed due to excessive use of sunglasses****
Seriously, are those "studio" lights too much for your eyes? I can forgive Jimmy Snuka; he's earned the right to wear whatever he wants, and he liberally takes advantage of that. But this other dude? Well, those shades better be because his shirt is so bright, because his future sure isn't.
What caused this? There's not much to go by in the video, except for the cryptic "NWA Shockwave Pro Wrestling" at the beginning. So using the finest research tools at my disposal, I decided to familiarize myself with this promotion, which obviously has its finger on the pulse of your average wrestling fan.
Here's some of the "roster" of performers(?)...

One shining light is this next guy. It's been said before on this site that there's nothing better than a good pun, and this one comes close to taking the cake. Allow me to proudly introduce...

Let's forgive him for misspelling "Tennessee." Seriously, this dude is awesome. He's worth the price of admission, which can't be more than a can of Dinty Moore beef stew.
And what about our illustrious interviewer. Well, he's a former booker for Shockwave by the name of Derek Gordon. Why former? Because of bullcrap like this...
He also directed a commercial for Roddy Piper's book "In the Pit..." Let's have a look at how that turned out.
Note that it says "unseen." Good. The only reason this "commercial" is any good is Piper. I'm not saying I could do a better job than Mr. Gordon, but anyone else could have.
As for the interview, well, it's hard to even call it that. Actually, this is a small part of larger interview, some of which I found and watched. Believe me, it's not worth it. This isn't even worth it, but it's what I got. This is a clear case of an interviewer not having a damn thing in his bag. Gordon found this song by Brand Nubian which mentions "Superfly." And by mention, that's the extent of it: Snuka rhymes with "hooka" and that's the only reason it's in the song.
But Gordon soldiers on, thinking it makes good entertainment to continually ask Snuka if he knows what it means to "hook a hooker." I don't even know what that means. "Superfly" seems to share the audience's collective confusement, but being the entertainer he is, he rolls with it. Even to the point where he's dancing with two girls (who were also kept in waiting just for this segment of the interview. Let it never be said that Derek Gordon doesn't plan ahead), neither of which are particularly attractive and could possibly both be actual hookers.
Oh, and a dog.
So Snuka actually cuts the rug with three bitches. Actually, the dog may have been of Snuka's doing, because at the beginning of the video, he says, "You turn me, the jungle is coming to your hometown." It's a pleasing thought that when Jimmy starts to dance, animals materialize and get in on the fun.
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