So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays." Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so your montage of photoshopped nude Diva photos ain't gonna fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Adam's video to Matt - Undertaker's wife's stalker revealed
Matt's response...
I'll save you the suspense (and obviously so will the video preview) - it was DDP.
That's right, Diamond Dallas Page was stalking the Undertaker's wife, presumably because he had nothing better to do.
Actually, Page provides a reason for committing this crime; he's coming after the Undertaker. See, this was right after the WWF purchased WCW, and Page was in a little need of work. So what do you do? You show up at your new job and go after the best guy that's already working there. It's a prison mentality, I believe.
DDP shows up and says he wants to take on Undertaker because he wants Taker to make him famous. Apparently he's been doing a pretty poor job of it on his own. So how did that work out?
Well, Wikipedia's description of Diamond Dallas Page's run in the WWE is only two paragraphs long, so that should tell you something.
I'm sure all of you are wondering what happened at the King of the Ring in question. Page did what he said he would and bought a ticket to the event to sit in the front row. It seems strange that Vince McMahon would let him ride down to the ring on a motorcycle, cut a five minute promo on someone, and then make him buy a ticket to get to an event. What an odd business.
So the Deadman showed up, after taunting Page all night with hidden video of DDP getting to the arena and stuff like that. They tussle a bit, and Page runs away.
Did that make him famous? Not long after, he changed to his "Positively Page" gimmick and then left the company. Then he wrestled some independent shows, went to TNA (which I guess you could call a step up, but I'm not sure) and lost a championship match to Jeff Jarrett. But it was 2004, so everyone lost to Jarrett - don't feel bad, DDP.
After that, he and his smoking hot wife divorced, and now he's a motivational speaker. Next, I expect him to be a TV pitch-man, selling the newest kitchen utensil, the Diamond Cutter!
So what exactly was the price of the Undertaker making you famous, Diamond? Your health declined, you don't wrestle anymore, you wasted money on PPV tickets, your wife is gone, and now you can only serve to motivate others by saying how crappy things were for you.
But that's not a bad thing, it's a GOOD thing.
What an mixed-up world wrestling is, as well. As far as I can tell, Page stalked someone (criminal harassment), committed voyeurism (invasion of privacy), and stole private property. Yet when he rides to the ring on his pilfered motorcycle and admits to all of this, he gets a huge pop. At the very least he should be reprimanded and given a less-than-hospital welcome at the arena.
I can understand law enforcement being slow to respond though. He did, like the Diamond Cutter, appear out of nowhere.
Matt's video to Adam- WCW Scott Hall vs. Chris Jericho
What's this? A video involving Scott Hall? After last week's video about Jake Roberts? Me thinks Matt is trying to tell me something. Seriously, what's up with these slow ones over the plate? You think I'm not funny enough, Matt? I'm not good enough? Well I'll show you! I'll eat a pint of ice cream and then get a make over, which mostly consists of me dying my hair and getting it get really short.
Anyway, on to the task at hand. Mr. Hall comes out of the locker room with some very small belt on. I don't know what belt it is, since no graphic nor announcer felt the need to tell me. Still, it's almost comically tiny. Sort of the anti-Jack Swagger.
Still, this is standard Scott Hall. He comes into the ring, gives a little "Hey yo" and goes into the nWo survey shtick. Surprisingly enough though, the nWo are actually heels this time. That's because we're live from Charlotte, North Carolina! Flair country! Wooo! Woo! Woooo!
I mentioned this the last time Matt sent me an nWo video, but the director of this show is terrible. He always cuts to the exact opposite of what should be seen. Case in point, WCW is being cheered during the survey, and he gets to this:

And this:

Now, I honestly want to know what the nWo needs this survey data for. Is it to sell more of their tee shirt brands, as Mr. McMahon would say? Or do they want to have an empirical way to rank the super hunks of the New World Order? Maybe the political leanings and mean age/income of an nWo supporter for future pledge drives? Or is the far more likely answer of "ego." Unfortunately, it seem that most of the nWo is now billed from "Parts Unknown" so this will have to remain a mystery.
And how does Hall end the segment? "One more for the good guys!" I understand the heat he would get by misinterpreting a crowd reaction, but Scott Hall has billed himself as "The Bad Guy." So which is it, Razor? Are the nWo ironic good guys or heelish bad guys? Santa has an answer!
As for the match itself.... pretty good actually. I know I should be all like, "Scott Hall's a drunk LOLZ!" but the whole reason we make fun of Scott is because of his epic failure. The failure wouldn't be epic if he wasn't once successful. This was part of the good days. Seriously, for match this short it told a nice story and got everyone over. Jericho had some good offense and got a couple of near falls, and the announcers do a good job of putting him over, citing his eventual loss due to a "lack of experience." Hall sold pretty well for Jericho, got in a few good spots, and showed some real personality out there. Like his reaction to the pro-WCW survey response:

And his mocking of the Giant after using the Giant's signature choke slam:

So all and all, Scott Hall did good in my book on this night. Of course, here's what happened backstage with the boys after the match:

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