Happy Thanksgiving, all! Or, to those of you not in the United States, Happy Thursday! Thanksgiving is that holiday that allows us to thank back to the time that the Pilgrims and Indians hooked up and had a great big feast and danced and smoked and generally thumbed their noses at the lame ass British that stayed on the island. Losers.

But did you also know that the day after Thanksgiving was a holiday as well? That's right, it's Black Friday! The un-official start of the Christmas shopping season, when retailers slash all their prices and open their doors at four in the morning. The day when shoppers wait up all night for a prime spot in line and then lose their mind when the store opens. The day when people die shopping.
We'd like for you to avoid all that. We don't want you to die. Who'd read the blog? So we're finding some of the best deals out there for the wrestling minded fan, and not from the normal places either. No, we're headed over to ShopTNA.com!
Apparently, TNA celebrates Black Friday as well. You weren't aware of that? Well, allow Don West to tell you.
So what items are they offering us at nutty low prices?
This beauty will only cost you $12.99. That's five bucks off! Quite the deal already!
Dave in South Dakota says: "This DVD is worth the money the bonus features are cool" Let it never be said that South Dakotans are not quick to get to the point. Now, we'd normally post other reviews of the product so you'd know what you're getting into when purchasing, but seeing how they are all just participating in a fanboy flame war, it's really somewhat useless. However, J*Box of Kansas does take a break from the bickering and offer this:
I'm a hugh Wrestling Fan, and hears why you the consumer should buy this DvD. It is Action Packed.
We definitely could have said it better ourselves.

For $55.99, you can get your hands on this piece of TNA memoribilia: a Kevin Nash autographed baseball. Does Big Sexy play baseball? Absolutely not, but that shouldn't stop him from signing one and sending it to you, should it?
Well, yes it should. This is just a stupid gimmick. They have these for a lot of wrestlers, like Mick Foley and Suicide. Yes, Suicide signed a baseball, and he signed it "Suicide." That should look great on your kid's shelf. So why choose Nash's over those others? Because it's the only one in existence. That's right! Act quickly and get it now! Nash hyper-extended his elbow and tore his bicep signing this one, so there aren't any more!
Finally, for just a buck, you can score yourself a Curry Man 8x10. Go ahead and replace that photo of your kids in the hallway with this sweet puppy. "terrol" provided the only review, saying:
this photo looks cool BRING BACK CURRY MAN
Yes, terrol, yes this photo does look cool, doesn't it? Why shouldn't they bring back Curry Man, especially with that ringing endorsement you just gave him? Don't they care at about someone who'll spend a dollar for a completely worthless sheet of high-gloss photo paper?
We're going to save our Washington, though. There's something much better we could spend it on...
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