So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays," the ORIGINAL wrestling-themed, YouTube video comedic co-commentary. Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so your break-down of Linda McMahon's chances at being elected ain't going to fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Adam's video to Matt - Matt Sydal vs. Matt Classic
Matt's response...
At first, I thought, "Hey, both these guys are named Matt! This video has to be great!" Then I realized that it was actually Scotty Goldman and Evan Bourne, and that "has to be" changed to "can in no way." This all has to do with Adam's weird fascination with Goldman. Sure, we follow him on Twitter. You know why? Adam added him. I've added Dixie Carter and Layla. I think we know where our heads are at.
I don't know why, but he never really gelled with me. Sure, I get his bit, and it's fine. He's sort of that wrestler that some of the marks like because he throws out inside jokes and references wrestling's glory days (like this Matt Classic character, which, if the dates are to be believed, is a 60-something-year-old wrestler in a mask. Like that would ever happen!)
But nothing against the guy. He's just not my thing. I don't hate him; I don't like him. So there you go. Same thing for Evan Bourne (real name Matthew Korklan, so points for that). He has just not given me anything to be excited about, and strikes me as a more-agile Lance Storm.
In any case, I don't have much to say about the match itself. It was good for what it was. Sydal did his thing well, and Classic stuck to his gimmick, which made for some appropriately cheesy moments. Sydal's girlfriend, Lizzy Valentine, looked like she made a quick stop by Ross on the way to the show, finding her costume on the "50% off" rack. What I would like to highlight is the promotion in which they are competing - Wrestling Society X.
This was apparently some show put together for the MTV family of networks that I've never heard of. It's ok; I'm a mainstreamer, and I don't pretend to be otherwise. That being said, I think I would have liked this little show. It ran for nine episodes in 2007, with the tenth never airing, despite it having what is both descriptively and intriguingly named the "Exploding Cage Match." The fact that was never broadcast is a tragedy.
It featured what can best be described as a cast of miscreants, and had it's own special venue with its own special rules. Allow me also to provide this nugget about its production, taking from the finest research tools at my disposal:
The program also stood out due to its unorthodox approach to pro wrestling; this included frequent use of highly expressive plants, crowd sound effects, electrical sound effects, visual effects, and camera shaking when a wrestler would fall prey to electrical weapons.
Had I known Sam Raimi would be directing the show, I would have definitely tuned in!
Also, being on MTV, they decided to make it tangentially related to music, so acts would come in and perform before each episode, include Oscar-winning group Three 6 Mafia. Of course, Good Charlotte also played, so you can kind of see why it got canceled.
I don't have much patience for the wrestlers whose gimmick is "being weird just to be weird," which is why I have a problem with some of the performers in TNA these days, but something tells me that in this venue, it would have worked. A more cartoonish and campy product would be nice in limited doses, and I'm a little sad I missed out on this promotion.
I'm not sad that I missed out on more Scotty Goldman, but I'm sure Adam will see to it that I don't go for too long without him.
Matt's video to Adam- Shane McMahon Judges Aspiring WWE Superstars on O&A
Adam's response...
Look at how the tables have turned. Sure, Matt may crap on the repetitive nature of the videos I've sent him, but now who's the Opie and Anthony mark, Matty??!?!?!
This video isn't so much about Shane McMahon as much as it's about a bunch of fat WWE marks.
Still, it's nice to see Shane O'Mac loving WWE, because in six short weeks that's all going to be gone. It's a shame he had to waste that love on a few misfit toys.
Take for example, The Executive Order. He had an interesting gimmick and was pretty funny when he brought out his chart, but he just didn't believe it. He sort of mumbled it. Perhaps rehearsing in front of the mirror would have won him that trip to Indianapolis. Still, he'll have to drown his sorrow in more cheese steaks, since that belly a'int getting on the other side of that belt anytime soon.
Mouthwash Jones (who is not me) thought he'd be cute and make fun of ERock.

For those not in the know, ERock is the show's producer. He's fat so he gets made fun of a lot. He also loves "Straight Up" by Paula Abdul, but loves wrestling even more. I say good for him that he spit mouthwash in that douche's face. I bet "ERockFan" who posted this video is even happier.
Next was "Stryker", which is a stupid name because replacing "I" with "Y" was out of style back in 1985. Also, WWE already has a "Matt Striker", so I fail to see what makes him different. Even his logo is ripped off from The Flash.

Anyway, once again allow me to explain. The Jill Nicolini he refers to is the traffic girl for WPIX in New York. She's a looker. At the time she was co-host Anthony's girlfriend (which is astounding because he is hideous), so name dropping her was a cute way to get brownie points. Except he did it wrong.
Anyway, their break up is rather hilarious. Listen to the clips if you can.
Next up was some dude who put in way too much effort. Thank God ERock locked in the Kata Hajime (Tazmission, newb).
Finally, we have our winner. Type A. Which is ironic, in my opinion. Sure, he may have a similar blood pressure as a Type A individual, but that's about where the similarities stop. Wouldn't you think a Type A man would be, I dunno, a little more motivated?

Still, he won because he actually bothered to rehearse. And he "ended strong" according to Shane. If by strong you mean screaming "boo-ya!"
I probably should have entered this contest. I would have won easily and realized I hate live wrestling much sooner in my life.
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