However, there are times when there's too much going on. It's impossible to narrow it down to one topic. This is one of those times. Thus, we present to you the goings on of the entire wrestling world, albeit this time in some more unconventional places.
Ask the Laugh Twins what their favorite television show is and you'd get some diverse answers. Sure, Raw and Smackdown are there, but the Twins interests extend beyond sweaty men. Well not really, because we also love 24 and Lost! However, one of our other favorite shows is a little gem on the FX network known as It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
For those not in the know, allow us to drop some 411 on you. Basically, imagine Seinfeld if it took place in Philadelphia, involved more depraved people, things happen, and is funny. You got IASiP. Anyway, last week's episode involved wrestling! The whole episode isn't on hulu yet (it will be Friday). Even so, it'll only be up for a small amount of time. Thus, check out this preview.
Yes, that was Danny Devito eating garbage. And yes, that was Rowdy Roddy Piper playing a wrestler.
Now normally, we Laugh Twins take immense glee in repeating jokes and passing them off as our own, but this is too special. For 30 minutes the entire episode delivers. Every joke hits. They nail wrestling culture very well. And they compare Hulk Hogan "to that of a Chinese man." Check it out if you haven't already.
The Allegeded LOLoCast still rules. Wrestlegasm also did some audio post which was really good when she put us over.
Well Ric Flair made us cry when he cut this ridiculous promo:
Elsewhere, LOL, Wresslin' continues to dominate every week day with the most beau coup of all wrestling comedy. Also, Shad Gaspard told Twitter he had swine flu, once again proving that Twitter is stupid (follow us!).
WWE Films is planning on making an Undertaker origin story. Really.

Video Games
Smackdown vs Raw 2010 came out and is being heralded as the best Smackdown yet. In addition to a roster that includes both Christian and The Brian Kendrick, SvR2k10 boasts the most robust creation mode ever. In addition to old stand bys like create a wrestler and create a finisher, this year's edition has create a storyline. Basically, it's time to put your booking to the test! And to top it off, you can upload it to the the game servers and trade with other players (SiC's and all!).
So although awesome, there are still a few gripes we'd like ironed out. Listen (read?) up, THQ. Here's some consulting, pro boner (heheh) from the LT's!
- Include Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper- This should be a no brainer.
- In addition to the usual in-game Internet, include comedy blogs as well. And if you think you're going to get away with having a LAWL, Wrestling! then think again when our lawyer calls.
- Still need to tweek Create A Wrestler. As dictated in the Bragging Rights Bet, Matt must create Adam and play as him online. As we write this, Matt is having trouble accurately depicting Adam. He needs to look like:
- More realistic breast physics. Like this.
- Have there be penalties for wrestler's blading, like in real life! Maybe if both wrestlers get cut open and one of them happens to be William Regal there will be a SMALL chance of the other wrestler contracting HIV.
- More people should scream "TEH ANIMALE! GUNZ!" when Batista comes to the ring
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