Thursday, January 15, 2009

Reap what thou hast sowed

A wise man once said, "You'll get what's coming to you." Who was that wise man? One of the Laugh Twins, of course! We won't divulge which one, suffice to say it was the one without a girlfriend.

An item came across our virtual desk in the LOL Cave which said TV Guide is dropping their listings for the CW and MTV. It seems like an odd thing. Sure the CW kind of sucks, but it is a rather well-known network. And MTV is still one of the major cable channels, despite the "M" standing less for "music" and more for "mindless."

Is it limited space? Well, that's what TV Guide says, but even if that's the reason to drop a few listings, why these? After very little thought, the answer is perfectly clear. Allow us to present two pieces of evidence:

Exhibit A

Exhibit Buh-buh-buh-B

That's right - both of these networks have dropped professional wrestling programming.

Also within that article, it says TV Guide has devoted more space to MyNetwork TV. Wonder why that is? We refer you back to Exhibit A.

We hope the CW and MTV enjoy their time out of the spotlight. There's no way that America's seniors will ever find your station again.


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