So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays." Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so homemade music video to John Cena's "Basic Thuganomics" ain't gonna fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Adam's video to Matt - the Big Bossman/Big Show feud
Matt's response...
We're so jaded in this day and age. It's easy to look at WWE recap videos and think, "Damn! These guys are great! They've always put together the best montages!" But that's not always so, as this video is testament to. However, the fueds? Well, they were a lot better back then.
The only way to do this is step by step...

Good Lord, that was the biggest chokeslam I've ever seen. I think that caused Big Bossman to have a heart attack five years later and die.

Big props to Bossman for the theatrics. It would have been easy to just throw that "family heirloom" on the ground and stomp on it, but no. No, you get a hammer and anvil and pound it into a powder. Nice work.
That's four more of the biggest chokeslams I ever seen.
Alright, that's terrible parking. Who would put their car under a ledge with a dumpster perched on it? Even if there weren't a giant that felt like shoving it on you, there's a good chance that something could go awry with the garbage truck and at best you'd be left with trash all over your car. That's just silly. You deserved that.
That's a cute little rhyme from Mr. Traylor. And by the way, genius that he drives the Bluesmobile.
Leave it to professional wrestling to have a scene where a son is forced to leap on his father's casket while it's dragged through the cemetary by a police car. Thankfully, that's about as tasteless as it's ever got.
Big Bossman looks pretty bad ass in those mirrored shades.
In cahoots with Prince Albert...he he he he....
These cameramen in the WWE are trained really well. Not only are they nigh invisible to the wrestlers, they also don't both help or go get help when someone's life is clearly in danger. Can't we get SOMEONE over here to open the door and let Big Show out before he dies of smoke inhalaiton?
Finally, this video ends with what I would call one of the top five best quotes ever uttered in professional wrestling...
Hey Paul Wight! You're a nasty bastard, and your mama said so!
That quote would be nothing without the last phrase. Bossman...I miss you, dude.
Matt's video to Adam- Brock destroys Funaki
Adam's response...
I don't know why Matt sent me this. What is the point of showing me this video of Brock Lesnar beating up Funaki. This isn't professional wrestling. Look at how he's just throwing Funaki around. He's not protecting him. He is accosting him. And why? Well I can only assume it's because Funaki is Japanese.
I want you to watch this video just to watch this beat down. It's vicious. I am unamused. This is nothing short of a hate crime. I suppose Matt wanted me to throw out a few jokes about this poor man being bludgeoned to near death, but I'm just at a loss. Well I for one will not be party to this savagery. I'm going to use this space to be productive. Wake up, America! LOL, Wresslin' is the mirror forcing you to look at some of your evils.
For example, our internment of Japanese American citizens during World War II is a reprehensible action. And to think, our own government sanctioned this! This attack on Funaki is just continuing the hate thrust upon our Pacific brethren during the war. Or the recent Constitutional ban on gay marriage. You mean to tell me the government can tell me who I can and cannot love? This is outrageous! We're all people.
Or what about the awful treatment of African-Americans throughout history? Do I even need to write anything? You know what I'm talking about. Hang your head in shame, Matthew.
There is only one solution to curing hate. We need to have an open dialogue, because only by having an open dialogue can we ever hope to overcome these ills. We need to remember the past so events like this never happen again. We can't erase history, we can only hope to change the future. It is so important, especially this week, where we not only honor the past with Dr. King, but we hope for the future with Barrack Obama becoming our 44th President.
I urge each and every reader to please visit for information on how to stamp out racism. If we all try a little harder we can prevent people like Funaki from become victims of hate crime. I leave you with a simple poem by the great Maya Angelou:
"A Conceit"
Give me your hand.
Make room for me
to lead and follow
beyond this rage of poetry.
Let others have
the privacy of
touching words
and love of loss
of love.
For me
Give me your hand.
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