We kid, we kid. You're right. The Golden Globes have nothing to do with wrestling and writing about them is a complete waste of time and effort.
Are they gone? Good. We like to periodically test the non-believers. Anyway, the Golden Globes usually have nothing to do with professional wrestling, but this year was different. That's because of a certain movie we've written at length about. Yes, The Wrestler was nominated for a few Au Circles, most prominently Mickey Rourke for best actor. And get this. He won.

Now you'd assume that we would have been overjoyed at this. Adam wrote a glowing review of The Wrestler and Matt is going to see it as soon as his podunk town gets their moving pictures machine exorcised of the Satan inside it. You would have been right to have assumed this a few weeks ago, but that was until Vince McMahon came in and told us all what to think.

That's right, In Living Color's Men on Film, Mr. McMahon hated The Wrestler. He hated it because there were logos of competing federations in it. He hated it because it showed the wrestlers as sad men with no worthy trades to apply to the outside world (note by Adam: I knew The Ram living in trailer had to have been fictionalized...). And most of all, he hated it because it drew attention to a problem which could cause the public to rise up and fix it. Yes, professional wrestlers could possibly unionize because of this film.

So screw you, Darren Arnofsky. You made a turd of a movie! LOL, Wresslin' officially retracts our review. Please change the Rotten Tomatoes score accordingly.
Also, Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight won best supporting actor. Not that he wasn't great and all, but he totally stood up The Miz when he did his Dark Knight interviews. So you stink too, Mr. Michelle Williams.
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