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What in the world did the last Raw in February have in store for us? Like week-old Valentine's Day chocolate, let's hold our nose and find out what's inside.
We get reminded that Orton kicked the McMahon's in the head. I'll tell you why I didn't mention Stephanie getting kicked. One, she deserved it. And two, if that overacting lummox Triple H shows up on Raw again, I'll belt him.
Let me pause for a second and note something of worth on the WWE website. Have you ever browsed the "Archives" section on the Raw page? I just had to to find that picture, because they only post the most recent show's photos on the photo page. And what did I discover? Someone over there at is trying really hard to get me to love them. Here's some of the subtitles of recent shows:
Coast busted!
Missouri loves company
The son also rises
Merry Trish-mas to all (damn it, why didn't I think of that??!)
Exclamation punt
Seriously, these guys aren't screwing around. Good work gentlemen (I assume you're gentlemen since you work at Good work indeed.
Vickie Guerrero comes out to inform us that yes, once again, she's in charge. Oh, and Edge and Big Show have come along with her, because they have nothing better to do. Mr. Cena doesn't like this, and comes out to insult Canadians, fat people, and women in one fell swoop.
He, of course, will be fighting one of them tonight.
CM Punk qualified for the next Money in the Bank match. Here's hoping he wins and turns it into another totally convincing run as champ. He beat out the Miz and John Morrison to get into the match. Honestly WWE, when are you going to give those two the props they deserve?
JBL and Shawn Michaels fought to see who would have to fight that big, dirty Commie next week who nosed his way in. Typical. The winner of THAT match will then go on to face the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Out of the the three names listed, who do you think will go on to headline Wrestlemania 25 in Houston versus the Phenom?
If you picked JBL or Kozlov, you're dumb.

The match between Michaels and Kozlov will happen next week (tonight) here on Raw. How come all these Smackdown stars are showing up on Raw lately? Well, I imagine it's something like when you were in 5th grade, and they took you to see what high school was like, maybe even let you watch a class or see the football team practice. One day, guys. One day.
Mike Knox (OMG!) wrestled Jamie Noble. I mention this only because Noble nearly died while jobbing to Knox (O NOES!). Think about that. What if only his career was over? That's how you go out?
Steamboat came out. Why? Just so he can get insulted by Chris Jericho. This time, though, the Legend really stood his ground, pointing out that not too long ago, Jericho was one of these people he despises, "selling out" to the fans and signing autographs and the like. How did Jericho handle this well-reasoned counter-argument?

Well, when Vickie told Mr. Cena that he'd be facing her family tonight, it seems she wasn't talking about Edge at all. She was talking about Chavo! Oh man, let me go get some popcorn for this! Here we go...just press this "popcorn" setting on the micro wave and- DING DING DING! Hunh? The match lasted a minute? I would have never expected that...
Finally, Orton comes out to say something about how no one should be mad that he's kicked all the McMahon's in the head. Triple H isn't having any of that, and he comes down to the ring with a sledgehammer. Orton was also brandishing a sledgehammer, and even though he's flanked by Cody and Teddy Jr., he somehow convinces Trips they should both put their weapons down. HHH drops his. Orton drops his.
Yep! Trips pulled the old cartoon trick of having just what you need at any given moment behind your back. In this case, it was a second sledgehammer! He chases Legacy from the ring and smashes out one of their limo windows. Violence and mayhem!! Look for more tonight on the only place for such behavior, USA! at 9/8c!
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