Mr. Cena's been pretty heavy on the promotional circuit, making stops to all the late-night talk shows. Your standard fare. He even had to miss this week's episode of Raw because he was appearing on The Tonight Show, after having been bumped on Thursday night for President Barack Obama (not the programming choice the Laugh Twins would have made, but you know liberal Hollywood!). We'd love to show you a video of that appearance, but NBC kind of likes to pull their stuff off YouTube.
But not all of Mr. Cena's appearances have been as typical as that one. Take for instance him showing up unannounced on another of NBC's shows, Saturday Night Live. Please enjoy two minutes of Tracy Morgan, and ten seconds of John Cena.
Ha ha ha, we'll outsmart you, NBC! Thanks, kryk-bottom!
Note the single "wooo" from some woman in the crowd. Now, it would be one thing if the Rock appeared, or Stone Cold Steve Austin, or even Ric Flair - these men are fairly well-known outside the world of wrestling, but the WWE can't seem to get it through their heads that John Cena is not a household name. Today's top story for Vince McMahon: Wrestling Fans, NOT the Majority!
But you can't fault Cena for that. He played his part well. See how big and scary he looked when you first saw him, and then all of a sudden he's nice and curteous? And then Tracy Morgan takes him down in one punch?? COMEDY COMEDY COMEDY!!
Now, just yesterday, Mr. Cena made an appearance on BET's 106 & Park (what any of that means, we don't know). You can check out a couple videos here and there. In it, Cena compares wrestling to acting (EXCUSE ME, SIR??!) and displays his street cred by picking his fav freesytle MC. Again, don't know what that means, we just heard the cool kids say it.
You may not think that's so strange because of Cena's past as WWE's resident rapping grappler, and that's cool. But maybe you try this next one on for size...
Yes, that's Mr. Cena on Fox News' Hannity. The first part of this video plays out like Sesame Street's "Which of these things doesn't belong?" A syndicated political talk-show host, an editor for Fortune magazine, and a Chain Gang soldier. Hannity seems to know the score, and completely ignores Cena for much of the segment, stopping to ask him if he memorized his lines for 12 Rounds (note to Mr. Cena: it's called a Titantron in the WWE. We thought you'd know that!). In six and a half minutes of screen time, Cena speaks for maybe thirty seconds.
Oh wait, you thought it was over? No no no, there's a part 2!
Here we go to Cena first, who's outed at a heartless Conservative hatchet-man who would kick the President's aunt out of the country with little more than a "Thanks for coming." Even the radio host doesn't agree with him on this one. Finally, Hannity drops the charade of political punditry and cuts to the chase with a hard-hitting question air-lifted in from 1988: Is wrestling real?
Cena's response is as diplomatic as ever: "It's as real as you make it."

Wait, Greta van Susteren live from Mexico?? Where's my swim trunks? Count me in!
12 Rounds finally comes out tomorrow, so hopefully all this will be over soon. Too bad Space Ghost isn't still on the air...
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