So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays." Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so your music video dedicated to the fantasy couple of Mickie James and Kane ain't gonna fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Adam's video to Matt - Rick Rude reveals Cheryl Roberts
Matt's response...
The men behind LOL, Wresslin' are a classy duo. I believe this, and I think Adam would agree with me. At any given time, one or both of us can be found excelling at various activities and charming the pants (and more) off young, attactive ladies. We pride ourselves in providing internet wrestling comedy of a caliber beyond that found on any 13-year-old's blog who fancies himself the next Dane Cook. We're college educated gentlemen, and we bring that sensibility with us when we discuss professional wrestling, as I think we've demonstrated time and again on this very virtual space.
However, when Adam sends me a video of two grown men pulling each other's pants off, you'll excuse me if I take the low road.

I told you I was gonna take 'em, and I took 'em. Oh yeah, didn't you look cute, huh? And Rude...get another pair and put 'em on, because it doesn't matter where we're at, I'll take 'em off again.
That's an actual quote from Jake's promo.
Ok, ok. Sorry.

Why didn't I expect you to slither in from behind like the snake you are?
So this particular fued is ostensibly over the fact that Rick Rude keeps putting a picture of Jake Roberts' wife on his tights - a move that would certainly get the most sheepish of husbands to raise an eyebrow. How much of an insult it equates to is beyond me. It seems more like an oddity, but since this is wrestling, there's no reason it shouldn't be sorted out with your fists, and Rick Rude should take a ridiculous back drop for it.

Yeah, Mean Gene, these two certainly are on a "collision course," but I submit to you that this act of pantsing was inspired not by Jake's head or his heart, but something a little further south. I present the only piece of evidence I need:

HOW BIG IS THAT DOT?? It covers his entire body!!

Seriously, that's just insane. I know why he went after Rick's tights, and it has less to do with his wife and more to do with wanting a little ravishing of his own.

Yeah, you're gonna have live up to your nickname of "Snake." Work on unhinging that jaw.

Sorry kid, you're out of league here.
Matt's Video to Adam: Macho Man Interview on Prime Time Wrestling 1987
Adam's response...
"Inside the Head of Mean Gene Okerlund"
by Adam
by Adam
"Wrestlemania III at the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan, a day I'm certain that my guest at this time will not forget. I'm talking about the former Intercontinental champion of the world, Macho Man Randy Savage."
"Nothing means nothing? What do you mean by that?"
Oh Lord, what is this purple monster doing? He's just screaming nonsense at me. I sure hope he doesn't take out of frustrations on me. Maybe I shouldn't of said "former" like that. What's that he has in his hand? Coffee creamer? What? Oh, the cream rises, good one Randy.
Hmm..better get this microphone in a better position.
Did he just throw that cream? That better not have gotten on my shoe. I just polished these at the Minneapolis airport. Better check...
Oh geez, he's calling out President Jack Tunny. This can't end well for him.
Where did he get that creamer? It's magic! It just appeared out of nowhere! Well goddammit, Gene, you're a reporter! Better get the story.
"What, wait a minute!"
Oh, real smooth there, Gene. Real smooth. Macho Man probably thinks you're a colossal idiot right about now. Look! He just put a creamer in my jacket pocket! That confirms it! He thinks I'm an idiot! Oh well, play it cool, play it cool. Don't want to be ax handle smashed or anything.
"What...wait a minute Randy. I've got ask you something, very seriously. Do you blame Mr. Jack Tunny, the distinguished president of the World Wrestling Federation, for Ricky Steamboat being the Intercontinental champion today?"
Nice. Well played Gene-o! That broadcasting school is really paying off. Will Randy quit knocking my mic out of the way? I know his arms are huge, but he can have a little tact for my job, couldn't he? It's not easy being me. Not only do I consistently feel weaker then Wendi Richter, but I'm also not as interesting as the people I work with. You figure the wrestlers would take that into consideration and take a little pity on me!
Oh why did he put it on his head? It's only going to fall- see there it went. It must be insufferable to live with this man. I feel bad for Elizabeth. I wonder what she looks like naked.
Yea, that's right. Uh oh, getting some wood. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts.

BLARGH! That's better.
"You know, just out of curiosity Randy, and I certainly don't want to diminish your tremendous, uh, God given talents, but, but, I'm very curious, I haven't seen Elizabeth lately."
The cream. again? I need to get off this Elizabeth topic or I'm going to make my own cream. Heheh, you still got it Gene. Uh oh, there's that boner again. Better wrap this one up.
"Nothing means nothing? What do you mean by that?"
Oh Lord, what is this purple monster doing? He's just screaming nonsense at me. I sure hope he doesn't take out of frustrations on me. Maybe I shouldn't of said "former" like that. What's that he has in his hand? Coffee creamer? What? Oh, the cream rises, good one Randy.
Hmm..better get this microphone in a better position.
Did he just throw that cream? That better not have gotten on my shoe. I just polished these at the Minneapolis airport. Better check...
Oh geez, he's calling out President Jack Tunny. This can't end well for him.
Where did he get that creamer? It's magic! It just appeared out of nowhere! Well goddammit, Gene, you're a reporter! Better get the story.
"What, wait a minute!"
Oh, real smooth there, Gene. Real smooth. Macho Man probably thinks you're a colossal idiot right about now. Look! He just put a creamer in my jacket pocket! That confirms it! He thinks I'm an idiot! Oh well, play it cool, play it cool. Don't want to be ax handle smashed or anything.
"What...wait a minute Randy. I've got ask you something, very seriously. Do you blame Mr. Jack Tunny, the distinguished president of the World Wrestling Federation, for Ricky Steamboat being the Intercontinental champion today?"
Nice. Well played Gene-o! That broadcasting school is really paying off. Will Randy quit knocking my mic out of the way? I know his arms are huge, but he can have a little tact for my job, couldn't he? It's not easy being me. Not only do I consistently feel weaker then Wendi Richter, but I'm also not as interesting as the people I work with. You figure the wrestlers would take that into consideration and take a little pity on me!
Oh why did he put it on his head? It's only going to fall- see there it went. It must be insufferable to live with this man. I feel bad for Elizabeth. I wonder what she looks like naked.
Yea, that's right. Uh oh, getting some wood. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts.

BLARGH! That's better.
"You know, just out of curiosity Randy, and I certainly don't want to diminish your tremendous, uh, God given talents, but, but, I'm very curious, I haven't seen Elizabeth lately."
The cream. again? I need to get off this Elizabeth topic or I'm going to make my own cream. Heheh, you still got it Gene. Uh oh, there's that boner again. Better wrap this one up.
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