Now, John McCain said we watch wrestling because we love freedom, but he didn't win, so clearly the only wrestling related agenda is in regards to Randy Orton. So, in response to to legislators' concerns, the WWE has gradually toned down the sauciness of their product. You may have noticed that all WWE programming is now rated TV-PG, as a year ago at this time it was TV-14. John Cena's finishing move has been retitled "The Attitude Adjustment" from "The F-U." And colorful, family friendly characters like Goldust and Hornswaggle still have jobs. This is all well and good with us, since we think the kiddos should be able to stay up past 10:15 and not have their brains warped. But then we thought about it a little harder.
For the last ten year's the WWE has chosen to promote Wrestlemania by having their lovely divas do a nude pictorial in the pages of Playboy magazine. It's usually announced who the lucky lady is around February and we get a solid two months of her dressing slutty, having some male wrestler object to her nudity, and having the famous Playboy bunny logo being Incorporated into her Titantron video. It's a fun time. Still, here we are in March and we haven't heard a peep about it.
That's when it hit us.
To get Mrs. McMahon on the board the WWE did not reach out to Playboy this year. It's the only logical explanation! What is this? Communist Russia?! We demand our boobs! And our landing strips! It's a crime against us, the mature wrestling fan who waits all years to see what we could very easily imagine and more often then not lets us down! It's wrong! Wrong!
Still, we are adults, and thus we have to accept this reality. So, in tribute to some of the former WWE divas in Playboy, we are going to post a few classic shots, with some tasteful additions.

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