The internet is a rough place, friends. When you run the preeminent wrestling comedy blog, it's an unavoidable truth that people are going to make a run at you, challenge you, test your mettle as the top dog. Well, not you, because you aren't the creators of said wrestling blog - we are. But as our readers, you understand.
We've paid for this top spot not only through our extensive creativity, but through our own blood and treasure. The latest upstart to butt heads with us was the one Ms. Ray from the UK (rhyming!), who runs the site Wrestlegasm. At first, it seemed we could coexist; she providing a Welsh perspective, us proving the clearly superior U.S. view. But those dreams were quickly dashed when we realized she was quite obviously stealing our content. Thus the first shots of Blog War '09.
We were prepared for long campaign, because despite being a female, she proved herself a difficult competitor to put down. Our first two blog wars came and went without fanfare, with the challengers folding quickly beneath the brute strength and vigor of our LOLkrieg. But not this one. Perhaps because we were fighting a more worthy opponent, or maybe because our other victims didn't even know we were fighting to begin with.
Imagine then our surprise when we opened our LOLmail the other day and saw this message:

That's right; in typical British fashion, the tart decided to pack it in and save herself any further embarrassment. Our email inbox was temporarily turned into our own personal Yorktown.

You might expect us to say, "Well, that figures," which we did, but not before exhaling a long breath of relief. We were assured in our victory, but even the strongest of champions have a some weight lifted from their wide and manly shoulders once the battle is through. So you'll forgive us if we popped a few corks and transformed the LOL Cave into a champagne shower room.
However, don't start to think that Ray could get away with sending a simple email and walking away. No. You don't lose a war without having first to sign away even more dignity, because failing to achieve your goal just isn't humiliating enough. So we drafted some articles of surrender - a few conditions she must meet or face severe retaliation - which Ray has dutifully signed.
So there you have it. Wrestlegasm will continue to operate, though naturally in a much inferior capacity to LOL, Wresslin'. And we'll take some time to dust our palms and pat ourselves on the back for a job done well.
1 comment:
3-0...sort of makes you the Miz of blog wars, doesn't it?
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