There are two notable DVDs coming out in the future that we're going to discuss today. The first is due out this summer, and it's a collection of Macho Man Randy Savage's greatest matches. They are promising several hours of content, spread over a number of discs, we're sure. However, there apparently will not be a biography segment, as there is on several other of these collections. And what a shame they didn't get Macho on camera for this, because it might have been the last time we ever saw him alive.
Oh, you didn't know that? Yeah, Macho Man died recently. Heart failure, it seems.
Actually, he didn't die at all. But if Wikipedia is to be believed (and really, why wouldn't it be?), the Madness is six feet deep as we speak. Apparently, Savage's wiki was hacked and updated to say that he had died. Knowing absolutely nothing about the workings of a Wikipedia page, we can only assume this was some act of sorcery.
Macho's publicist fixed the error, and said Savage was "alive and kicking." We're glad he didn't say "alive and well," because we know damn well that isn't true.

The other upcoming DVD of note is one about the history of the WCW. As one of the most popular wrestling federations other than the WWE, this is truly a company that should have its own release and feature some of the most impressive talent from their roster. Unfortunately, two of the biggest minds behind the company, Eric Bischoff and Ted Turner, have declined to take part in the program. To us, that's just a little rude. This was an important moment in wrestling history; you could at least have to decency to offer your views on company.
The DVD will be called The Rise and Fall of WCW.
Never one to let a dead horse go unbeaten, the WWE feels it necessary to remind us, in the title no less, that the WCW had a nice little thing going for a while, but ultimately fell flat on their face and was purchased by the McMahons. Of course, this is nothing new. Sure, you could look at their squashing of any talent that jumps back over from another brand, but their video catalog has a couple examples of its own. First, there's the Ultimate Warrior DVD. Short of being a retrospective of his career, it was simply a bunch of the boys talking about how crazy he was. The title, The Self-Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior, didn't leave much to the imagination.
And there's this gem...
Yeah, they've been down this road before. And boy, do they like it.
Now Bisch says that he's not looking to be a part of WWE "revisionist wrestling history," and like we said, we can certainly understand his decision. However, they are certainly in the right to release this retrospective, and there's no lying in saying the WCW did rise and eventual fall. We doubt its "revisionist" to suggest that WCW did a great bit of screwing up on its own, so WWE, being the "winner" in that Monday Night War (another DVD by the way), can certainly tell their story how they see fit. You might call that revisionist; most people would say that's the way things went down.
But it does raise the interesting question of who exactly is going to be on this DVD? You're not going to get Eric or Uncle Ted. Vince Russo is "writing" for TNA right now. A lot of the guys that made a splash in WCW are at TNA as well. We suppose you could rope Hogan in on this, but that's doubtful at best. Then who?
LOL Wresslin' has compiled a list of the some of the people we think should be interviewed, because nothing says "WCW wrestling" better than these fine chaps:
- Mike Awesome
- Buff Bagwell
- Corporal Cajun
- Disco Inferno
- El Gigante
- Barry Horowitz
- Mil Mascaras
- Captain Hugh G. Rection
- Shawn Stasiak
That should get you a good start at least! You're welcome, WWE!
I hope you now that Mike Awesome killed himself! Awesomely no doubt.
Still, poor form making that joke, Laugh Twins. Poor form indeed.
Merely a wish list, Chance. We're dreamers here @ LOL, Wresslin'. However, in hindsight, that may not have been TOOOO SWEEEEEET of us.
Thank goodness I read that article through, I actually thought the Macho Man was "snappin' into a slim jim" up in the sky for a moment.
LOL @ the "alive and well" comment of yours. XD
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