So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays." Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so the million "Ric Flair, leave the memories alone!" music videos a'int gonna fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Matt's video to Adam- Raw Invades Smackdown
Adam's response...
First off, Matt, you're a dick. A huge dick. Here I thought we ended the pettiness that is Smackdown vs Raw 2009. I thought we agreed that Smackdown was clearly superior and we would move on, concentrate our efforts on Blog War 09, and then make fun of Ring of Honor or something.

Anyway, let's get into this awfulness. WWE chose to commemorate the one year anniversary of 9/11 by committing a crime and having marriage between two people of the same sex. I'm not taking a moral stance on gay marriage either way, but it was not legal in this country at that particular point in time. Unless this Smackdown was in Boston or Rhode Island or something. That I don't know. If that was the case then I retract my entire argument.

Side note: What was I doing on the one year anniversary of 9/11? I was in an 8 AM media studies class. It was my second week of college, which was in Washington, DC. My professor took a moment to see if anyone wanted to talk about anything since it was 9/11's birthday and all. No one said a word. My professor continued "9/11 will always be very personal for me, since my father died on 9/11." Obviously, everyone felt awful, assuming her father worked in the towers. She then continued, "He lived in Florida. He was so distraught over what happened that he went for a walk and was eaten by an alligator. It made the AP the next day." Yes, since this was a media class, that little detail was important. Asshole me is snickering in the front row. I got an A-.
So if you read Eric Bischoff's twitter, you'll know he's a rather staunch Republican. Thus, I can understand why he would impersonate a minister just to ruin two gays' wedding. You know Billy Gunn is a gay because his cummerbund said "BILLY" on it. But seriously, do you have to hold back Stephanie McMahon when Three Minute Warning hit the ring? It's not like she's going mount the comeback, especially since Rico turned on Billy and Chuck.
On the topic of Rico, he turned for no reason. None. And it's not like he changed his gimmick when he became 3MW's manager either. Because two gang banger's just love to hang out with a flamboyantly homosexual stylist. They go together like chocolate and peanut butter. You know what though? Maybe Rico liked the challenge. If anyone needed a stylist it would be Rosey and Jamal, wearing giant football jerseys everywhere they go. I see Rosey's number was 3, which makes sense, given the team name and all, but why exactly is Jamal wearing a personalized #27 Tennessee Titans jersey?
Oh well, he eventually left civilization and came back as Umaga. I wonder what his passport says?
So yea, that's pretty much it. Oh wait, Edge, Rey Mysterio, and John Cena chase everyone off. Yup, three future world champions vs Rico and Three Minute Warning. Overcompensating a bit there, SD!?
Adam's video to Matt - Raven reveals his act to Kanyon
Matt's response...
It's easy to get a little blinded by something new and shiny, which tends to push the old things out of your memory. We tend to ascribe more weight to things we've just seen and look at the others as if there were just a pile of broken toys, no longer useful to us. I understand this completely.
And even though I know it's part of our nature to do so, I think this is best thing I've seen as part of this column. Made all the more impressive by the fact that I am neither a Raven nor a Kanyon fan. I don't dislike them. I just don't care about them. But I don't think you have to like them to enjoy this skit.
I don't even know what to write, other than list all the things that are awesome about this. Here's all the things that make me love it:
- Breaking the fourth wall
- Ferrari
- Bags of money
- Raven and Kanyon in a fancy store, with dance music
- "What a mark."
- Kanyon in the dressing room (lol, but I'm totally not gay)
- Getting in a car without using doors
- "Hold my money, Kanyon." "Yep."
Since I can't seem to find anything to say that would make this video better, I'll delve into the comments left on YouTube. A small minority seem to share the same opinion that I do, but otherwise there are two main threads working in the user commentary: this ruins Raven's character, and Kanyon is gay.
The first one can only be proffered by misanthropes and sad sacks who found comfort in Raven's depressed and moody persona. Of course they think it ruined his character. That Raven was their hero. Who is this douche? Riding in fancy cars, carrying bundles of cash, buying nice clothes. Raven, we barely know you anymore.
Despite the fact that the man known as Raven played several characters of this sort before he assumed that particular character, I can't see how this ruins anything. Then again, I don't really care, so maybe I can just appreciate the humor. But at least it's far more interesting than Kanyon pulling up to Raven's crack house.
As far as Kanyon being gay? Well, you can imagine where the internet fools are taking that one, but come on folks...
Makes you think twice about Kanyon coming down the stairs, tucking in his shirt.
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