His name is Matthew Gregg (Maffew to his friends) and he produces the Youtube sensation that is Botchamania.
We're not going to post any videos here, because they clock in at about 10 minutes a piece and there's about 75 of them. Just go to this link and check them out at your leisure. Not convinced yet? Ok, we guess we'll have to spell it out!
1) His videos are montages of wrestlers making mistakes. Not just tripping in the ring or a table not breaking, but talking flubs, wardrobe malfunctions, or segments that just died on arrival. Did something not go according to plan? That'll be in Botchamania. Camera catch a wrestler blading? That's there too. There's even a regular segment called "EVERYBODY TALKS TO MUCH" that revolves around a match being audibly called. Triple H is a regular offender there.
2) He uses a vast array of resources. You think the LOLBOP is something? This guy will use a botch from a shaky handheld at some high school gym indy show. He'll find a small segment of a wrestler having difficulty taking his shirt off from a Monday Night Raw in 1994 and add it to his stable of botches. Maybe a fan in the background of a 1980's AWA show is holding a sign that gives something away? He'll find it. The man should be working for the Space Program just for his amazing eye for detail.
3) His soundtrack choice is impeccable. Every single video uses either original MIDI or rock covers of classic video game tunes. Or even more obscure video game songs. Like the original soundtrack to the Gameboy Camera. Or one song from Super Mario RPG. Also, lots of Mega Man tunes, which makes Adam very happy. For the sake of full disclosure, Adam was once in a Mega Man tribute band named Rush Coil and proudly owns these:
4) Every single video opens up with some insane quote from the Macho Man. Nuff' said.

5) He has a devoted fan following. At just about any wrestling event now, someone will bring a sign that says "Botchamania X: This match" Disrespectful to the athletes in that ring? Sure. But it's a form of constructive criticism. Don't want to end up on Botchamania? Then don't botch.
6) Maffew is also an Internet rebel. You know how often Botchamania is taken down? Constantly. And what's he do? He just throws it up again. He knows the people need Botchamania. Yes, he is a pioneer of Internet justice. Sure, it might not be the Wild West here anymore, but we can at least have our Dodge City! Botchamania is another sanctuary for all of those who want to LOL @ some wresslin'!
Wait a second...he's from the UK...like Ray!? Never mind. He sucks.
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