While cruising the interwebs, LOL, Wresslin' came across this little gem of a story. To summerize, in case you're too lazy to make one more click, Jake the Snake Roberts was at a show in Ohio, likely in some sort of high school gymnasium, and he did what Jake seems to do best these days...self-destruct.
Now, when we were kids, Jake the Snake was money. Look at all the stuff he had going for him: a cool name (it rhymes OMG!!), a SNAKE, and he DDTs people. Plus, for the more enlightened crowd, he was a ring tactician and a true cerebral assassin before that meant knocking up the boss's daughter and having the strap all the time. Yes, Jake the Snake had it all.
What does he have now? Well, he still has that snake, so that's cool. And apparently, the man also has a death wish. Here's how we envision a typical encounter with Jake Roberts these days...

Legend? Hunh?
Even Google thinks he wants to end it. Oh wait, no they don't...they think he's already dead. While looking for an appropriate image for this post, we searched "Jake the Snake." Google provided this related search that we should try "Jake the Snake dead." Then, we searched "Jake the Snake Roberts," and Google offered "dead wrestlers" as well.
So, sorry Jaker, Google isn't very concerned about your current mental state, since they think you don't have one anymore.
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