Tuesday, October 21, 2008

When you live in a glass Haas...

It should come as no surprise by now that we here at LOL, Wresslin' like to make fun of people. In fact, that's pretty much the entire premise behind this blog.

What we love almost as much are puns. And when one wrestler comes along and services both of those loves...well, we have to love him too.

Charlie Haas is that fusion.

West Side!!

For a while there, Charlie only filled one of those needs, supplying generous laughter with such wordplay as HAAStility and HAAS of pain. Greatness, to be sure, but not quite enough. But then, Charlie HAAS a stroke of genius and starts his new gimmick, where he basically clowns on every wrestler in the history of the business.

My friend, you can be the first to HAAS the LOL, Wresslin' Seal of Awesomeness!

We're too lazy to actually photoshop this onto his picture.

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