LOL, Wresslin' knows that sometimes you feel like your vote won't mean very much. You feel you'll be lost in the masses, and that your voice will be drowned beneath a mountain of others. Sometimes it feels the media is pushing one candidate harder than another; as if they have a vested interest in who wins. You feel the cards are stacked against you and whom you support. We get that, and we feel that way sometimes ourselves.
But as you can tell, we're never too downtrodden to think it's not important to voice your opinion. This nation was built on dissenting voices, and now is no different. LOL, Wresslin' believes strongly that even if you think you won't be heard, you're only truly silent when you don't speak at all.
Some of you have voted early, and kudos for that. Those of you that are waiting until the last minute, please follow through with the promise you made yourself, and don't let your duty get lost in the daily grind of work, chores, and booze. LOL, Wresslin' emplores you, whatever you do, don't forget to log onto or use your cellular telephone and cast your vote for Cyber Sunday.

Does it seem obvious that everyone wants Stone Cold Steve Austin to be the special ref? Well, if you support Randy Orton, then let them know! (We'll spare you the ubiquitous Orton package pic) Most of the fans want Kane and Mysterio in a 2-out-of-3 match? Well, we'd like falls to count anywhere, we're with you. So don't fret, and let yourself be heard!

jk we won't lol
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