The performers(?) are rocked this week with a stunning revelation from Easy E: there are no more teams. All these weeks of seperate locker rooms and friendly competition are over. Now there's just Team Hogan, and it's every wash-up for themselves. They're going to have an over-the-top-rope battle royal, which ends up looking more like a Royal Stumble.
So this week, the moves all have to with the upcoming match. First, there's going over the rope, and surprisingly all these former celebrities have a hard time acutally falling on their faces. Apparently, a career nose-dive is not real training. Then they have the "duck and boost" to aide them in tossing out their opponents.
Lastly, we have a finisher! The Holy Grail of wrestling! Along with tossing opponents out of the ring, they can also hit their finisher to win. Now, we can't assume these folks can come up with a move all on their own, so we have Mr. Monday Night, RVD, here to help them! Hogan says RVD has the best finisher of all professional wrestlers, but we think Scott Steiner would disagree.

Danny gets hurt taking a bump, and he's carted out on a stretcher, neck brace and all. That's probably the most convincing professional wrestling performance we've seen to date on this show.
The wrestlers(?) pick their finishers. Diamond goes with a DDT, giving Jake the Snake Roberts a reason to be proud. That brings his total of things to be proud of up to one.
The match goes on without Bonaduce, and everyone pretty much does what you'd expect them to do. Trishelle wins and gets a push with every one of the judges blowing her afterwards. We're pretty sure it was vice-versa pre-match.
Hogan decides to be an ass and eliminate Danny because he didn't wrestle this week. Because that's fair. So let's get this straight: Bonaduce is a poor teammate because he has a real job outside of reality television, and he's eliminated from the show after he was taken away on a stretcher. Ok.
Watch for the classiness to continue tonight at 8/7c central on CMT.
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