However, Thanksgiving is more than just debauchery for us. No, we actually like to take a minute and be thankful for all the good in our lives. So here's a brief list of what made 2008 so great:
Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe
Steady employment
John Cena (!!!)
Masheen Gunz
Internet forums
Our readers.
Randy Orton's lower torso.
Scott Hall's awful life.
Bruce Campbell
The Dark Knight
Ric Flair
Roddy Piper
Family, friends, blah blah (yaaaawwwnnn!)
It doesn't matter what your list is. It's just important to remember the good and push out the bad, even for one day. Because no matter what, you're not Jake Roberts (unless you actually are Jake Roberts reading this. We know you're out there, Snake.)

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