While LOL, Wresslin' prides itself in being a refuge from the harsh realities of life, sometimes even the Laugh Twins can't completely divest themselves from actual news. We're gentlemen, sure, but we're also working gentlemen, and we've found lately that it's getting harder and harder to grind out a profit and keep up our gentlemanly exploits. So too, we figure, it is for those once-warriors of the squared circle that make their rounds on the meet-and-greet circuit.
However, after some scant research, it would not seem to be the case. We told you recently about Ric Flair's appearance in New York; the upper end tickets, which included autograph, photo and Q&A session, were going for $80. This Roddy Piper event is from last year we believe, and $25 gets you a photo and autograph (though, we're not sure we'd pay to hear about Piper's life on the streets; we've seen They Live). Another $25 will get you into a wrestling clinic with Koko B. Ware in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ. You have to buy the tickets at a Quiznos though, so bring your appetite as well. We're serious.
Is your wallet feeling a little light? Well, it's not over. Save up for next August, because Charlotte will be the home of a three-day NWA Legends Fanfest, with a dinner banquet and Hall of Heroes ceremony. That'll set you back two bills for a VIP ticket. Still have cash? Throw down another $35 for the Super Mega Fest (named by a 9-year-old) in Framingham, MA. There you'll rub elbows (or other things) with the likes of George Steel, Bruno Sammartino, Sonny, Jimmy Hart, Jackie Gayda-Haas (alright dude, seriously. We already gave you the Seal of Awesomeness. You can stop now.), and Dawn Marie.
We've also heard that if you even run into Virgil on the street, it'll cost you a Lincoln to get a photo (that's five bucks, not a penny).
So it seems that the appearance business is going rather well, even in a tough economy. But what about the WWE itself. Well, if you believe them, they're pretty much recession-proof, because if there's one thing that people always need is their rasslin'. And internet porn, but we're a classy joint here.
Let's check out Tazz's Tale of the Tape here...or did he have the Keys to the Match? Doesn't matter.
Using the finest research tools at our disposal, we checked out WWE's performance in the stock market. Let's take a look...
Well, perhaps they're right. They certainly seem to be chugging right along with no problems whatsoev--wait a minute. What's that?

Oooohhh, so sorry (cue The Price is Right horn). Now, we'll fully admit that we're not financial experts, but it seems that WWE isn't that bullet-proof after all. Now, as for internet porn? Surprisingly enough, Yahoo! doesn't have a stock ticker for them. Apparently it's not a publicly traded company. But here's what we think it looks like...

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