On Wednesdays, we here at LOL, Wresslin' like to really pull out the stops and offer up a double shot of righteously killer content. Why Wednesday? Well, we could impress you with market research, work habit studies, and human psychology tendencies to show you there's a scientific reason the middle of the week is the best time to bring your A-game. However, truth be told, we don't have any of that stuff and settled on Wednesday because that was the only day that didn't have any content scheduled.
So, here you have "Watch Wresslin' Wednesdays." Please feel free to suggest a better title, because we are woefully uncreative when it comes to naming stuff.
The idea of W.W.W. is we each send the other a video that is related to wrestling (a match, promo, interview, guest starring spot, etc.). The only restriction is that it cannot be user-created, so your compilation of your favorite wrestling entrances from the '90s ain't gonna fly here, pal. Neither of us know what kind of video we're going to get that day.
After viewing, we each write a response. This could be anything we choose: a straight commentary, a philosophical enlightenment, or classless ridicule. Just as we don't know what kind of video the other will select, neither do we know what the other will write or how they will write it. What you end up with is a mash-up of styles, which in our book equates to two-blogs-in-one, and we can take the rest of the day off.
Matt's video to Adam- Rowdy Roddy Piper and Bret Hart Interview at Wrestlemania VIII
Adam's response...
A few years back Matt and I got together and watched the WWE produced Roddy Piper documentary. There was one sentence repeated over and over in our commentary of it: "I had no idea how awesome Roddy Piper was (not that he's still not awesome, but we were watching footage from the 80's)." That's a remarkable statement because we both think Piper is pretty awesome. We love They Live. We've seen all of his other movies as well and love them. Plus, he's an amazing wrestler and entertainer. We knew all this going in. And yet, we had no idea HOW awesome he truly is.
That's pretty much the what I think of this Piper/Bret Hart promo from Wrestlemania VIII. Is there anything in here that's especially remarkable? No. In fact, as far as Piper goes, I've seen better. But it's the nuances of it that make it special. Namely, the way Hot Rod not so subtly throws in a diss in the middle of his stories. The way he gets so excited just to hear his name introduced. The way he gets so angry and emotionally turns off Bret Hart. It's poetry.
Let's talk about Bret for a minute. How was this man ever a success? Sure, he's great in the ring. There's no doubt about that. But look at his overall presence in comparison to Roddy; it's nonexistent. He's just standing there in all pink and leather, and is able to mumble "I'm only focused on winning." Blah blah. I'd go on but his life is already filled with enough tragedy.
(Even I'm not crass enough to make an Owen Hart joke. Ok, maybe one.)
I need to apologize to the LOL, Wresslin' audience. Not for that joke, but for the mere fact that this W.W.W. isn't up to the usual standard we set for ourselves. It's just that when I'm faced with real talent, something really great in all its nooks and crannies, well I just can't compete. Roddy Piper is better then me and I'm OK with that.
Adam's Video to Matt - K-Kwik & Road Dogg live rap
Matt's response...
Ah, the year 2000...a simpler time in America. Both the WWF and Sunday Night Heat still existed. How naive we all were.
Wrestling historians look back on the night of November 12, 2000 and debate what exactly was the draw to Heat that night (it would pull a 2.6 rating, a point higher than the episodes before and after it). Could it possibly be Kurt Angle, less than a month into his first reign as WWF Champion, defending his title against an unknown opponent?
It was Crash, by the way.
A new champion defending his strap is sure to get a few viewers, but surely that's not it. There has to be something else...something breathtaking...something ROWDY.
Enter K-Kwik and Road Dogg. Well, Road Dogg at least. I hear the fella on-stage giving an intro to K-Kwik, but I don't see him coming out to perform. That's odd, seems like he'd be th-OH WAIT! THAT'S K-KWIK! He was wearing a shirt the whole time! That's why I didn't recognize him!
K-Kwik introduces himself and Road Dogg as the "hottest tag team to hit the music industry." Uh, sorry there, Mr. Kwik, but you're a little late.

He also says they are destined for greatness. More on that in a moment.
Now, in case you budding rappers are looking for a hot cover, I hope you are considering "Get Rowdy," because it's a real firestarter. Allow me to provide the lyrics for you:
We get rowdy
Come on, come on, come on
We get rowdy
'Bout to move something
K-Kwik talking about moving things come on
We get rowdy
'Bout to move something
Come on, come, on come on
D-O-Double G is gettin' rowdy
'Bout to move something
D-O-Double G get rowdy
Oh yeah we're gettin rowdy
We're gettin rowdy
We're gettin rowdy
Repeat x 7
So let's do a little episode of LOL, Wresslin's Where Are They Now?, just to see how "great" these two became. Not long after this performance, K-Kwik headed over to TNA, where he:
...immediately established himself as a heel by harassing NASCAR drivers Sterling Marlin and Hermie Sadler... source Wikipedia
That would do it, for sure. After wrestling with TNA until 2007, The Truth (as he was known there) went his own way, only to resurface in the WWE as R-Truth earlier this year. He's gone on to become a Slammy award winner for Best Musical Performance. Greatness? One could say, "Perhaps."
And what of his tag partner Road Dogg? Well, he made the jump to TNA as well, wrestling as B.G. James. After teaming with K-Kwik again in 3Live Cru, he and Billy Gunn (known as Kip James) would form the James Gang, later known as the Voodoo Kin Mafia. VKM would cut promos on Vince McMahon and Degeneration-X, proving that if you can't beat the competition, make fun of them.
B.G. James was last seen holding back Jeff Jarrett from beating up Kurt Angle, not a small task at all. So it seems K-Kwik was correct.
Now, as far as "gettin' rowdy" is concerned - it's not impressive to be rowdy after rowdy is cool. Everyone knows that.