So how'd your Christmas go? Ours went GREAT! We got so many wonderful gifts this year that we can barely hold back our glee! But seriously, how'd it go for you? Did you get that Fathead you wanted? No? Why? Did Grandma get you TNA merchandise instead? Were they all sold out of of that Elimination Chamber playset? Is your family just poor?
Well have no fear, because The Laugh Twins are here to make sure that EVERYONE has a very Merry Christmas (regardless of religious denomination)! Here are a few post-Christmas clearance items from your one-stop-e-shop,!
Boogeyman plush bear- $7.98

Yup, because who wouldn't want to cuddle up with the Boogeyman? He in no way exists to scare children while they sleep. Still, it's 60% off and is a Shopzone exclusive. Exclusive? Do you think that means "rare" or "these sell so terribly it's not worth the expense to bring them on the road to live events"?
John Cena JC Logo YOUTH Sneakers- $9.98
We'll let the Shopzone pimp these:
Now you can sport John Cena''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s style literally from head to toe with our NEW John Cena JC Logo YOUTH Sneakers!! White. PVC. Imported.
Hmm, not sure if that's grammatically correct. Anyway, we can certainly attest to sportin' Mr. Cena's style from head to toe! And they're Velcro to boot! No more tying like a bunch of suckers for us!
Nature Boy Ric Flair Book/DVD package- $20.80
A bargain at twice the price. Still, if that's a little too much coin how about making your own Book/DVD combo out of the next two items?
Erik Bischoff Controversy Creates Ca$h book- $5.98
The original list here was $26.00. Take from that what you will. Still, a hardcover, 400 page book for $6 is a good deal anywhere, but one that involves backstage stories of Scott Hall being drunk? You got yourself a deal!
Shawn Michaels Boyhood Dream DVD- $4.83
Ah, the magical year of 1996. Who could ever forget it?
Who could ever forget it that matters? Well certainly not the WWE and now neither you! Ever! Gah!
This DVD chronicles Shawn Michaels's use of
Title: OK dvdReviewed By: Megan, Toronto, Canada on 5/9/2008this dvd is a recollection of everything that HBK accomplished in 1996. it features a lot of great matches including the iron man match with Bret, the only downside is that guy whose name I can't remember got irritating after a while.
Yea, those guys who's names we can't remember sure can get irritating, right Megs?!? HAH, lolz.
Matt Striker action figure- $7.98

With business suit action! Not excited enough? Well read a customer review.
Review Summary: No Reviews Available!
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