Like anyone else, the LOL, Wresslin' Laugh Twins love a good prank. There isn't much better than some light-hearted ribbing among friends. And anyone who pulls a good prank is sure to be the life of the party.
Then there's JBL. Bradshaw is well-known to be one of the most annoying and frustrating SOBs in the WWE locker room. You're pretty hard pressed to find a positive piece of news about the man. Rather, you're much more likely to find story after story of him doing something untoward to someone else and them getting pretty upset about it.
Like the time he legitimately beat up the Blue Meanie during the closing brawl of ECW's One Night Stand PPV. Or maybe the time he ribbed Smackdown wrestler Palmer Cannon so much that he quit. Now, a few places say that Cannon probably overreacted, and we can be on board with that, but he did have a dust-up with none other than JBL, proving again that he's constantly in the middle of things (one site also went so far as to suggest that when Cannon was leaving, the taxi cab driver mistook he and Rey Mysterio, who was trying to convince him not to leave the company, for gay lovers).

There was a report that he dumped water on a sleeping Lillian Garcia during a flight, but Joey Styles says on his blog that's not true, which will be important later. Still, we heard that and didn't really find it out of the ordinary. He did, however, say that she "looked hot, and needed to cool down," which is either the worst or most awesome pick-up line in history, depending on the outcome. Past experience has told us it's not typically the latter, though.
Oh, and there was this...
Pretty tasteless, right? Did we mention that was in Germany? Where these guys were from:

Real classy.
So finally, we hear this news: apparently during the trip to Iraq this year, someone finally had enough and punched JBL out. Before you try to stifle a dispassionate yawn, it was Joey Styles.
That's right.
Now, we haven't found a description of just what was involved in the hazing, but we're pretty sure it involved a wedgie and liberal use of the phrase "hey four eyes!" When Styles had taken enough punishment, he popped JBL square in the face and left him with a black eye and a bruised ego. JBL apparently left him alone for the rest of the trip.
Going to show once again that violence solves every problem.
So we would like to give a big internet high-five to Mr. Styles, and let him know that if he keeps it up, he may just earn him self a spot in the Hall of Awesomeness.
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