By this point you guys know the drill. We love They Live. We love John Cena. So obviously a combination of the two would be a match made in heaven. Or would it?
io9, the Gawker science fiction blog, brought the topic up to Mr. Cena at the premier for The Day the Earth Stood Still. Naturally the budding actor would jump for the chance to play Nada in the remake of the John Carpenter classic. Right?
You don't mess with perfection. He's with us on the thought that the remake is a bad idea to begin with, and although he would be perfect in the lead (our thoughts), there's no way anyone could ever top the Hot Rod. Remember his motto: "Hustle. Loyalty. Respect." This one falls under the respect category. We wouldn't expect any less from Mr. Cena.
If only everyone else acted with such maturity beyond their years.
And Mr. Cena quite clearly displayed a working knowledge of the film. We'll give him a pass on flubbing a quote, mostly because we like him, but also because we understand he doesn't have time to watch it what a large portion of the population would consider "way too many" times. He's far too busy entertaining us to no end, whereas we spend the lion's share of our time consuming various forms of media, and the rest of it writing about it on the internet. He probably doesn't watch it every night before he goes to bed, because there is likely any number of females Chain Gangers in said bed.
So credit goes to you, Mr. Cena. You continue to impress us with your hard work ethic, repect for your elders, and generally pleasing attitude.
And Mr. Cena quite clearly displayed a working knowledge of the film. We'll give him a pass on flubbing a quote, mostly because we like him, but also because we understand he doesn't have time to watch it what a large portion of the population would consider "way too many" times. He's far too busy entertaining us to no end, whereas we spend the lion's share of our time consuming various forms of media, and the rest of it writing about it on the internet. He probably doesn't watch it every night before he goes to bed, because there is likely any number of females Chain Gangers in said bed.
So credit goes to you, Mr. Cena. You continue to impress us with your hard work ethic, repect for your elders, and generally pleasing attitude.
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