Everyone's second favorite search engine, Yahoo!, has released their top 10 searches for 2008. And what topped their list AGAIN this year? That's right....WRESTLING!!
Oh wait. It was Britney Spears? Our mistake.
Despite this error, the WWE came in second to Ms. Spears, hereby documenting wrestling's dominance over the interwebs (or should we say entertainment's dominance). We'd like to think the creation of this blog back in October pushed them in front of Obama (specifically this). Still, it was no exactly "wresslin" that was so sought after. For you see, it's not as if TNA can claim credit for this. WWE was the search term, not wrestling. So pack it up, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Jeff Jarrett, since the only thing you guys can do is make us appreciate the WWE even more!
If anything though, TNA can ride the coattails of Britney. After all, one is a redneck, no talent, based out of a trailer, boring two-hour show and the other is Britney Spears (the difference is Britney lives in a mansion). They both have the same fan bases (the fat and stupid), they're both from the south, and they both film in Orlando. They also both have beef with Kevin Federline (K-Fed didn't show up on TNA, did he?). Yet, despite all this overwhelming evidence, we wouldn't expect TNA to enter the top 10 next year. But we'll stick with Britney ("Womanizer" is awesome, by the way).
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