Adam: here we are
CCW brother!
Matt: oh the finale
Adam: ive got my Merry Marvel Yuletide pint glass filled
Matt: I'm in my boxers
Adam: heh
Matt: same?
Adam: I just realized that the Thing is wearing a santa costume
Matt: packed arena?
where do they get these fans, by the way?
Adam: he's Jewish
that's messed up
salty language there, Knobbs
oh God, I love the comic intros
Matt: hahah
he's festive
may as well be the face of christmas
I think the opening credits are the best part
Adam: who will survive and waht will be left of them??
CCW title!
you ever notice that this hang out is called "The Kafaybe Lounge"
so Matt
Matt: yes?
Adam: we should take this time to discuss the four finalsts
do you think that the right four are here?
Matt: well, there's not nearly enough cleavage
but from what I've seen, I think these guys get it
I mean, butterbean is probably the weakest, but he just does what he does
Adam: yea
he's just a big man
look at the 10lbs of gold, brother
um, there was "match" singular
Matt: there are many who can claim to be the CCW champion
Matt: he's the nasty boy
not the grammar boy
Adam: man made a living not wearing deoderant
i mean, i don't make a living doing that
Matt: don't we do the same?
well true
we just make a living of being disregarded by women
Adam: I think I have that shirt Jimmy Hart is wearing no girls allowed!
Matt: jimmy hart is on the show?
you do have that shirt
Adam: heh, when he's not doing medical hair restoration commericals with chavo guerrero
Matt: haha
Adam: its true
Matt: look at that flowing mane
Adam: todd bridges was the secret
Matt: seriously
Adam: rodzilla is a champion
also true
Matt: that dude can go
I like his locker room speech a minute ago
"let's go do it"
Adam: this show surprised me too, Hulk
Matt: I want Bischoff to give me motivation every morning
Adam: lets take a minute adn discuss Danny Bonaduce
Matt: you mean
Adam: oooo
what a gimmick
I think one word sums up danny here:
Matt: now he's Disemployed Danny
Adam: depressing
Matt: haha
Adam: a major disapointment
Matt: seriously
Adam: he was our pick to win the thing
Matt: I thought he was going to take this show and run away with it
Adam: and he certainly lived up to being insane
where do you think he lost it?
Matt: I think being kicked off the show the first time broke his spirit
but when they were getting ready for that falls count anywhere match
Adam: he brought the crazy
Matt: and he went nuts about getting popped with a trash can
kinda made me think he wasn't going to make it
Adam: i love how they had to plot out the "grudge" match
real legit
and we're back....
Matt: I mean, there's crazy "do anything" and there's crazy "completely unstable"
Adam: Chop school, baby!
Matt: uh oh
Adam: Brian Knobs has a nice rack
Matt: BLEEP on knobs
better than linda hogan
Adam: heh
what about beth from Dog?
Matt: hmm
Adam: no selling Diamonds chops
I love it
Matt: awww, hims hand huwts
Adam: cha ching!
Bean just chopped the butt off of Diamond
Matt: cash those in baby
Adam: ok
Matt: chop suey
Adam: bad choice here
bean and bridges are the wrong side
bridges should be face
bean should be heel
but then again
Matt: bean's been a face the whole time
Adam: we cant have the racial component
Matt: haha
Adam: Whites vs Clocks!
Matt: it don't matter if you're black or white
Adam: earth-53
the CCW is so inconsistant with the stories
Matt: it's gettin crazy
Adam: jsut last week rodzilla and mean bean had a big man grudge
now theyre a tag team!?!?
Matt: well, they've made up
all receipts have been paid
Adam: heh
Matt: did anything knobs just said make sense?
Adam: so no new moves of doom this week?
i heard "bum bum bum bum bump"
Matt: wait a minute.....
Adam: maybe Hogan doesn't know best
Matt: haha
todd can't read
he's been hiding it
Adam: speaking of Todd
Matt: why is frank stallone a woman?
Adam: let's talk about that hat
Matt: todd?
Adam: really?
did you really ask taht question?
its Frank Stallone
Todd's hat
Matt: want on
Adam: he never takes it off
what a commitment to the gimmick
Matt: that's better than hogan's bandana
Adam: so is Todd bald?
Matt: are you seeing this brett favre commercial?
Adam: no
Matt: he should be
Adam: I've got some blatter commerical
Matt: ok, nevermind
it's shows favre playing backyard football
you think he just torches everyone at family pick-up games?
Adam: yes
and cries
Brett Favre reminds me of terry Funk
Matt: he holds a press conference
Dear Family, I'm retiring from the annual Thanksgiving backyard game
Adam: "oohhhh...I'm an old man Mick, I can't go on doing this any longer"
we're just doing our own jokes here
not listening to each other
Matt: haha
Adam: ^ still single
CCW back!
Matt: ^fat and stupid
Adam: CCW!
Matt: ccwccwccwccw
Adam: this isn't a practice or slow mo
this is actually the speed of their matches
Matt: nice towel rodzilla
no one taking bumps
just wandering around the ring
Adam: God Knobs
stop with the potty mouth
Hulkamania isn't about that
Adam: ok
Bubba the Love Sponge
worst part of the show
Matt: terr
Adam: jabroni match??
who would ever want a jabroni match??
Matt: the fan request??
Adam: celebrities?
Matt: I didn't request this
Adam: Tiffany and Frank Stallone never got gimmicks
Matt: oh man
give me some more candy girl
Adam: I actually really liked Erin Murphy
Matt: yeah
she started doing alright
red hot redneck
Adam: this is so dangerous by the way
people who got less tranining
tiffany only had one show
excuse me
Matt: she'll spend some time on the outside
Adam: looking at boobs
^so straight
Matt: ^faker
Adam: so when did these 4 get to block out their match?
Matt: next person to type hates boobs
just sayin
Adam: heheheh
well done
Matt: you think they blocked this out?
Adam: tiffany likes ice cream
Matt: they're just being ridiculous
Adam: ambigous sexualty = heel
Matt: where's dangerous danny?
booooo!! you look different!!!
Adam: "frank stallone makes me feel uncomfortable due to his unfamilar lifestyle! boo!"
Matt: thanks for the wrestling history, mr. love sponge
Adam: good lord nikki ziering is terrible at this
is she married to Ian Ziering of 90210 fame?
Matt: yeah, awful
Adam: Bubba called it a special attraction
well if by special you mean...
Matt: hahaha
I think that's accurate
Adam: Danny the wife beater wearing the correct shirt...
Matt: danny no-sell
Adam: Brian Knobs wears a shirt that says "nasty"
also the correct shirt
Matt: like he has to advertise it
Adam: Todd Bridges wears "Not so Perfect"
Matt: well, to be fair
he's not Mr. Perfect
Adam: LOL, Wresslin' Laugh Twins <3 Todd Bridges
Matt: hahah
Todd Bridges and the Laugh Twins, sittin in a tree
Adam: why do they keep chanting "winner!"?
is this foreshadowing?
Matt: dustin is winning!
seriously though, they've put him over so much
Adam: ok, we can turn this turd off now then, right?
just kidding, Hulk
Matt: you don't want to see what they have in store?
Adam: I love CCW!
Matt: CCW!
Adam: you see
its a take off on the popular ECW chant
Matt: I'm going to chant that at shows now
Adam: E and C rhyme
E and C were also an awesome tag team
im just sayin'
Matt: so I heard a rumor that vince hates the show and everyone involved in it
Adam: Vince hates wrestling
Matt: they were a good team
Adam: it's "entertainment" now
Matt: true
or "reality"
it's "realitainment"
Adam: CMT
commericals for ATVs and Larry the Cable Guy
Matt: I just saw a commercial for at Tim McGraw cologne
of course, if that's how you get at Faith Hill, sign me up
Adam: i just saw one for an Antonio Banderas cologne
Matt: sold at all 7-11's
Adam: UFC is doing a fight for the troops?
Adam: wonder where they got that idea?
we're back
Matt: wonder where they got the idea to fight each other?
gimme that belt
Adam: booooo!!!
Matt: oh there's jimmy
Adam: I think teh Hogan poses should be done in every day life
Matt: they are
Adam: how so?
Matt: I do them every time I'm in the restroom at work
Adam: heh?
Matt: then I spit a mouthful of water on the mirror
I need a reason?
Adam: guess not
so would you watch CCW if it were a legit fed?
Matt: that's a blingy shirt hogan's got on
Adam: boo!!!
heel tag team!!!
Matt: all washed up celebrities?
Adam: yo
Matt: we hate winners!
Adam: the face generic theme
sounds just like "Personal Jesus" by Depeche Mode
Matt: haha
Adam: I love hte idea of New Wave coming into pro wrestling
Matt: WCW themes
Adam: get rid of teh cock rock
just queer british fop
Matt: so, I need to pull back the curtain a bit
Adam: yea, WCW was pure muzak city
Matt: I keep hearing the same whistle during the matches
I think they're dubbing in some fan noise
Adam: you don't think that they...juice the audio, do you?
Matt: or that guy just really likes the show
it's hard to believe
Adam: OOO!
Matt: but perhaps
Adam: that was a nasty boot bridges took
and the hates off!
hes so bald!
Matt: you think there's going to be a receipt for that?
Adam: wait
his gimmick is named "One Mean Bean"
Matt: yeah
Adam: theres too much garbage in the names
"The Man they call The Winner"
Matt: not very original
i thought it was just the winner
I think bubba just says that
Adam: well once he loses the gimmick is over
Matt: because he's dumb
Adam: Bubba is so dumb
Matt: The Winner, sometimes
Adam: Dustin is very weak with everything
except for that time he built that robot for kelly
Matt: haha, yeah, that was clutch
Adam: heh
he jsut spit on Rodzilla
Matt: he's so mad!!
the knucks!!
don't they check these guys?
Adam: they really should
Matt: no, not slow motion
they're just slow
Adam: pro wrestling is the most shoddy commision
Matt: yeah, they only enforce the rules sometime
Adam: why isnt Rodman known as "The Worm"
Matt: I wish they were use the no closed fist rule
just DQ everyone
Adam: that's much better then "Rodzilla"
Matt: yeah
Adam: shhhhhhhh
Matt: what about Wormzilla
Adam: let's let Hulk speak
Matt: ok ok
yeah, rodzilla is believable because he's really hitting them
Adam: hehe
Matt: signs!
Adam: I love the crowd reactions to Todd's critique
Hulk: be careful or youll get hurt
crowd: YEA!!! CHEER!!
Matt: YES!!
uh oh
Adam: BEAN's OUT!
Matt: here we go
Adam: slow acoustic rock melody!
Matt: so sad
next season?
that's a little presumptuous Dustin
Adam: well I guess out Dustin theory is out
*our dustin theory
so we got our main event here
Bridges vs Rodman
Matt: I think Todd's got it
Adam: I'm picking Rod
remember the early preview
Matt: oh, a rift
Adam: n*W*o 4 Life!
Matt: but bridges needs something to pawn to pay the electricity bill
he wants it more
Adam: yea, that's a good point
Rodman will legitmally break Bridges leg
Matt: he'll get a receipt then
you think Jimmy Hart regrets being a part of this?
Adam: no
Jimmy Hart has been in much worse things
Matt: they could have at least found something more for him to do
Adam: Main Event!
Main Event!
i hate "parts unknown"
Matt: I realize I've been waiting my whole life for this moment
Adam: who would employ a man with no past?
other then Keith David in They Live
Matt: where do you send his w-2?
Adam: oh
bitch slap by Rodzilla
Matt: well, who wouldn't hire keith david?
Adam: 10 head shot in the turnbuckle!
this is awesome
Matt: I think he just killed rodzilla
Adam: how would you wrestle a 7 foot man
Matt: yeah, these guys can go
Matt: damn good bumps from zilla
Adam: do you think there are count outs in CCW?
Matt: obviously not
they were out there for a coffee break
I think that was long count, ref!!
Adam: yea
I bet Rodzilla promised a little party later
Rodmans kinda jacked
throat slash city
Matt: you would hope he would be
Adam: eh
he;s been retired for a while
kind of hope her got fat
another flying clothesline
on a bad shoulder no less
if we go back to episode 2
Rodzilla wins!
the match
Adam: but is he CCW champion??
shouldn't he be?
Matt: well he won
Adam: he won the match
he should eb champ
Matt: that doesn't count?
what a sham!
the man that made history?
Adam: heh
so CCW fatheads
would you buy one?
Matt: they better be teaching it in high school in twenty years
of trishelle?
Adam: I think a fathead is a great gift if you draw the guy you hte in the office secret santa
Matt: I want to decorate my living room in fathead
Adam: only fatheads
Matt: make it look like they're interacting
Adam: of my favorite sports team, athlete, major college logo, wrestler, and comic book character
and a hannah montanna for the boudoir
if you catch my meaning
Matt: like a really uncomfortable one for the bathroom
how do they stick to the wall?
Adam: magic
i suppose
Matt: is it paste or something?
Adam: or
theyre so awesome
the wall just let's them hang
every wall is attracted to a Fat Head
Matt: haha, it's a scientific fact
Adam: it's in any science journal
Matt: interesting though
they're called fatheads
but they have normal sized heads
Adam: hehe
Hogan is about to announce the winner now!
Matt: back!
oh man
Adam: drum roll....
Matt: I payed for my whole couch
but I just need the edge
Adam: let's go Todd!
Matt: so the two best natural athletes rose to the top
Adam: Todd!
let's do this1
Matt: I thought you were going for Rodzilla
I smell a coward
Adam: i think hes going t win
but i want Todd to win
Matt: oh ok
Adam: despite picking him second to last in the preview
Matt: hedging the bet a bit
no one knew what raw talent lay hidden
Adam: he never showed it on...cosby or diffrent world or wahtever shitty show he was on
Matt: close enough
Matt: !!!!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!1!!!!!!111
Adam: nWo!
Matt: no!!!
Adam: put on the strap, Rodzilla
Matt: Rodzilla
red and yellow confetti?
I bet some confetti got stuck in nikki's shirt
Adam: better go inspect
Matt: so that's it
I'll check her fathead
Dennis Rodman is your reigning CCW champion now
how will his time be spent?
Adam: so let's wrap this up
final thoughts?
Matt: on the show?
I'll call it a pleasant surprise
I really thought this thing was going to lay a turd
but someone knew what they were doing over at CMT to pick this up
Adam: hopes for a second season?
Matt: I know Dustin Diamond hopes for one
Adam: heh
problem with second season
Matt: so does Rodman get to come back and defend it?
Adam: it has to be teh exact same show
I mean, I think that would be the point? right?
Matt: yeah
Adam: I sincerly hope this is a launching pad to a new Fed
Matt: but you can't mix these competitors with new ones
they'll have an advantage
Adam: get a few jabroni celebs and actually do a wrestling show
Matt: I would be there
Adam: like
Matt: I would watch that over ECW
Adam: let's say there is season 2
with 10 new celebs
its the same
pick a gimmcik
it needs to be new
I got it
CCW Cage match
Matt: haha
Adam: if we can get that I'll love it forever
Matt: that would be the highlight of television
so yeah, I think they do another
and I guess they make a new belt
which lowers the worth of rodzilla's belt
Adam: CCW IC?
so let's rank the belts here
1) World Heavyweight title
2) WWE Title
3) US Title
4) IC title
5) Women's championship
6) TNA Heavyweight title
7) Divas title
8) CCW title
9) ECW title
Matt: tag titles
Adam: im going only singles here
Matt: oh
well they'd be at the bottom regardless
Adam: right
i basically just wanted to shit on ECW for a mintue
now if todd bridges gets on ECW
sign me up
sign me up
Matt: he could
Adam: im watching every tuesday
Matt: he totally could
is it on tuesdays?
Adam: i think so
Matt: on the YES network?
Adam: Yes
the Yes network
on that note
I think we should wrap this bad boy up
Matt: we must depart?
what a night
Adam: late december back in 2008
dennis rodman is really great
at celebrity wrestling
oh what a night
Matt: I hope if he ever gets on cribs
is that show still on?
Adam: sure
why not
Matt: if he ever gets on there again, he's displaying the belt
Adam: heh
im going to check ebay for it right now
Matt: hahaha
Adam: good night, America!
Matt: I wonder if I can buy a replica
night interwebs!

Update: It seems not everyone is pleased with the outcome of CCW. Perhaps LOL, Wresslin' needs to pay this gentleman a visit...
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